This game so ass 😭😭😭

This is one of the slowest starts to a video game ever in my opinion for some reason I could not get past the opening and replayed it like 12 times but that’s completely my fault and it gets to be one of my favorite open world rpg’s so far and I hope it keeps this energy throughout

One of if not the most influential game of our generation. Brings together people of all ages and all countries to play one game, has modes for everyone with creative and skins people can recognize, and while they haven’t updated it in a while (and really need to) save the world is a fun way to spend some time if you have it.

This is easily the scariest and best fnaf game five nights at Freddy’s was made for virtual reality and succeeds incredibly well in it if you haven’t played it vr and dislike this game I IMPLORE YOU to ask a friend to borrow their vr and play this game.

It’s definitely the worst in the series but it’s aight

One of the best 3ps games of our time

I could never enjoy this game as much as other people said they had I’ve tried so hard to I’ve bought it on multiple systems played with multiple different people every character but I could never find the fun people said they had

I tried so hard to enjoy this game but every time I tried to pick it up it found a new way to bore me and make me never want to touch it again. It definitely does not live up to the extremely high expectations people put on to it.

This game stresses you out like no other game and I love it for that

This is a fantastic fighting game I got incredibly high in the ranking and while I occasionally felt like I was cheated out of a win I never truly felt like there was absolutely nothing I could have done to win a fight which is what you want in a fighting game I recommend every fighting game enthusiast to play this game

The story is really fun but eventually the combat gets incredibly boring