Golden Joystick Awards (Genre, System and Other Winners)

This is a list of every Golden Joystick Award excluding the Game of the Year winners which can be found here. For years that they did not select a singular GOTY the individual winners (console/computer or 8/16-bit) are on the GOTY list here. The notes include the year, award and any other notes. Runners-up are listed as well. This isn't exactly chronological by year of release but rather by the first award that the game won with other awards detailed in the notes.

1983 - Arcade-Style (Winner)
1983 - Arcade-Style (Runner-up)
1983 - Arcade-Style (Runner-up)
1983 - Arcade-Style (Runner-up)
1983 - Strategy (Winner)
1983 - Strategy (Runner-up)
1983 - Original (Winner)
1983 - Original (Runner-up)
1983 - Original (Runner-up)
1983 - Original (Runner-up)
1984 - Original (Winner)
1984 - Original (Runner-up)
1984 - Original (Commended)
1984 - Original (Commended)
1984 - Adventure (Winner)
1984 - Adventure (Runner-up)
1984 - Adventure (Commended)
1984 - Adventure (Commended)
1984 - Strategy (Winner)
1984 - Strategy (Runner-up)
1984 - Strategy (Commended)
1984 - Strategy (Commended)
1984 - Arcade-Style (Winner)
1984 - Arcade-Style (Runner-up)
1984 - Arcade-Style (Commended)
1985 - Original (Winner)
1985 - Original (Runner-up)
1985 - Original (Runner-up)
1985 - Adventure (Winner)
1985 - Adventure (Runner-up)
1985 - Adventure (Runner-up)
1985 - Strategy (Winner)
1985 - Strategy (Runner-up
1985 - Strategy (Runner-up)
1985 - Arcade-Style (Winner)
1985 - Arcade-Style (Runner-up)
1985 - Arcade-Style (Runner-up)
1986 - Original (Winner)
1986 - Original (Runner-up)
1986 - Adventure (Runner-up)
1986 - Adventure (Runner-up)
1986 - Adventure (Runner-up)
1986 - Strategy (Winner)
1986 - Strategy (Runner-up)
1986 - Strategy (Runner-up)
1986 - Arcade-Style (Winner)
1986 - Arcade-Style (Runner-up)
1986 - Arcade-Style (Runner-up)
1986 - Soundtrack (Winner)
1986 - Soundtrack (Runner-up)
1986 - Soundtrack (Runner-up)
1987 - Original (Winner)
1987 - Original (Runner-up)
1987 - Original (Runner-up)
1987 - Arcade (Winner)
1987 - Arcade (Runner-up)
1987 - Arcade (Runner-up)
1987 - Adventure (Winner)
1987 - Adventure (Runner-up)
1987 - Strategy (Winner)
1987 - Strategy (Runner-up)
1987 - Strategy (Runner-up)
1988 - Graphics (Winner 8-bit)
1988 - Graphics (Winner 16-bit)
1988 - Graphics (Runner-up)
1988 - Graphics (Runner-up)
1988 - Soundtrack (Runner-up)
1988 - Soundtrack (Winner 8-bit)
1988 - Soundtrack (Winner 16-bit)
1988 - Soundtrack (Runner-up)
1988 - Simulation (Winner 8-bit)
1988 - Simulation (Winner 16-bit)
1988 - Simulation (Runner-up)
1988 - Simulation (Runner-up)
1988 - Adventure (Winner 8-bit)
1988 - Adventure (Winner 16-bit)
1988 - Adventure (Runner-up)
1988 - Coin-Op Conversion (Winner)
1988 - Coin-Op Conversion (Runner-up)
1988 - Coin-Op Conversion (Runner-up)
1989 - Graphics (Winner 8-bit)
1989 - Graphics (Winner 16-bit)
1989 - Soundtrack (Winner 8-bit)
1989 - Coin-Op Conversion (Winner 8-bit)
1989 - Soundtrack (Winner 16-bit)
1989 - Simulation (Winner 8-bit)
1989 - Simulation (Winner 16-bit)
1989 - Coin-Op Conversion (Winner 16-bit)
1989 - Original (Winner)
1990 - Graphics (Winner 8-bit)
1990 - Graphics (Winner 16-bit)
1990 - Soundtrack (Winner 8-bit)
1990 - Soundtrack (Winner 16-bit)
1990 - Simulation (Winner)
1990 - Coin-Op Conversion (Winner 8-bit)
1990 - Coin-Op Conversion (Winner 16-bit)
1990 - PC (Winner)
1991 - 16-bit Computer (Winner)
1991 - Graphics (Winner)
1991 - Coin-Op Conversion (Winner)
1991 - Simulation (Winner)


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