I was unsure about this game at first, but because my degree had a stats requirement I figured it couldn't hurt to brush up on my fractions a little.

What an experience! I still don't know how to do fractions.

A lackluster Professor Layton game clumsily mashed together with a half-assed Ace Attorney game, possessing the weaknesses of both and the strengths of neither.

Absolute banger soundtrack, though.

I bought this not realizing that I'm an adult over the age of 30 and as such neither I nor most of my friends are generally available to get together and play a few rounds in some one's living room often enough to justify dropping money on this. I unlocked all the Things and pretty much called it there. Bring Back Smash Run.

This game had a profound impact on my life that remains unmatched to this day. Even hearing the opening notes of Spanish Sahara is enough to take me back to the night I first watched the Bad Ending.

Got to Kraid and lacked the will to press on. They nerfed the charge beam and I don't like that.

The entire Danganronpa series sits at this weird place with me. There isn't really any other game or game series like it, but everything it does is done better by other games I could name. All the stories present mysteries whose answers make even less sense than the initial mysteries in their unsolved states. I don't love these games, but I'd be lying if I claimed they haven't stuck with me.

special forces agents surround me pointing booster pack courses at me "Look! Peach Gardens makes you do the last lap backwards! And Kalimari Desert takes you inside the train tunnel now!"

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The part where Eric takes credit for your demo video was really funny in my game because I was playing as a girl wearing a short skirt for that stage so I guess Eric was claiming to be a drag skater. Which, you know, I would be 100% here for if it were real.

"When you're in the Sonic Fandom for as many years as I have, which is, like, 20 years, you see some shit, and nothing fazes you anymore. I am dead inside." - Kylee Henke

o( ̄︶ ̄)o <-- how i sleep knowing Edelgard was right and I don't ever need to play any of the non-Crimson Flower routes

This game literally altered the trajectory of my life.

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Strangely not the messiest lesbian breakup I've ever witnessed, but it is up there.

Would love to see this become the new template for Sonic games going forward. The open world stuff is wonderful.

You'd never believe that this was made by the same guy who made a rock opera about underage incest mpreg

(Yes it's real and it's called The Baby Is You)