I beat this game so I'm better than everybody who rated it lower than me.

Shockingly bad, even for NES standards.

Just a 'little' too easy, but I really adore the combat and the character designs. I wish we got more of this because this was really damn fun.

It's just so boring. They did the bare minimum. Sometimes, not even that.


Morgana you little shit I'm going to punt you into the sun.

When I'm not thinking that, the game is fun!

VERY solid game. Exactly what 3D Mario should be.

Only gripe are some the comets. Seriously, the "speed" comets are NEVER a challenge, and it's just replaying the damn star again. Same with the Daredevil ones, but to a lesser extent because SOME (not all) are genuine challenges.

Oh, very lame final reward too. But eh, I wasn't gonna do it anyways.

Oh my GOD I hate AA1-3. If it wasn't for Kay I genuinely would've dropped the game. Plus the finale is hell. But I do think it's worth it just to reach the sequel.

I can't explain why, but I really do not like the linearity. Great concepts, but I don't get why it's so much... lesser in scale.

Still, it's Mario Galaxy. So yay!

Can you believe there was a time Steam had standards? This was released when it was still believed they did. Now this is better than A LOT of the current market.