I will put 1 star because the last adventure level was actually challenging and made me feel for a moment like I was gaming.

This game is very cute and silly, so silly that in a specific boat circuit the AI creatures will get stuck on a wall and some will even drive in the opposite direction, it's hilarious to watch, they have creatures IQ :3

I wish a bit more effort was put into the game because it's really boring, in fact it's so boring that Necole literally fell asleep while watching me play it.

Surprisingly I couldn't find any glitches in the game besides how to walls seem to act like a vacuum, though I'm sure there has to be a way to go out of bounds, please someone let me know if you find how!

Also I wonder why the switch version looks so different to the Wii U version, it feels like it's made with a different graphics engine, and even seems to have different physics :o

Fun fact the physical version of this game on Wii U is one of the most expensive Wii U games because of its scarcity!

A timeless and brilliant masterpiece.

Playing this was a pleasure, at first the oddly realistic graphics were a bit weird, but I got used to them quickly, the game overall looks very nice.
This experience was very immersive, the story is so captivating and original that I didn't want to stop playing. The characters have a lot of charm and personality, I felt emotionally invested in them very quickly.

Walking in the game is a bit clunky, but nothing too annoying, the gameplay is basically pressing the same keys that you see in the screen, it can be challenging in some situations, I personally liked this a lot and found it fun. But I'm into these type games for the story more than the gameplay anyway.

There are some gaps and nonsensical things in the story, but it's fine, most importantly the choices feel like they truly matter, unlike other "choice" games.

I remember being very absorbed and very in love with this game. I would love to play it again someday.

I love the aesthetic and feeling of it. I love retro games that feel so modern.
Stunning maps and stunning visuals.

This simply feels like an unfinished game.

The game default settings are set in a way that the gameplay gets interrupted every 10 seconds, going from minigame to minigame with an unskippable animation in between, without even having any time to play them. You can change it to "linear" mode, that way the minigames will finish, but even with that the game is just awful. The characters are so tiny that you can't even appreciate the poor customization that the game offers, the minigame variety is very poor as well.

If you are looking for a Mario Party type of game, completely avoid this at all costs, thankfully I got it for free.
This had a lot of potential, the characters and general aesthetic of the game are cute and have charm, the music isn't bad neither, it's just that it's unfinished and it shows.

I bought this to play with someone in co-op and it was the most frustrating experience we've ever had in any videogame.

It has bugs that made us waste a ton of time thinking that we were doing something wrong.
It seems like you can only create one character which you don't even play much because you have to play with so many different characters. (We didn't go very far in the game to really know, but seeing other reviews the character that you create is completely irrelevant to the story and you only get to play it for like 5 levels.)

The game is all about boring puzzles which are basically about spending a long time trying to find where you are supposed to go with which character and then press or hold B.

Driving is not even satisfying, the movement of the cars isn't smooth.

Too many characters to control in the levels.
Overall the game is really unintuitive, I can imagine real kids playing it and getting stuck in the game.

It was our first Lego game and our last. (Though I want to give lego undercover an opportunity.)

Tell me why this game is so boring and badly written.

The characters are so bland, they have no real personality. They always seem so depressed and don't really have a bond. Even their faces are not expressive it makes it impossible to get attached to them. They are both always angry, always sad, always pissed, always grumpy, with a flat emotionless face.

The story is very slow, dramatic and uninteresting.
The puzzles are annoying.
The only positive thing I can say about this game is that it was very beautiful visually.

There's nothing special about this game, I thought it would touch more on the transgender difficulties of Tyler with his mother, but no final answer to that side of the story. They like to start plot stories and then not lead them anywhere, there was several beginnings of side plots that were all forgotten and never leaded anywhere in the story.
Everything is so flat and meh that even the big revelation at the end falls flat.

The choices of the characters in the end on where to stay and where to live felt stupid.

I love Life is Strange and this is nowhere as good at it. It doesn't feel like it was made by the team who made LIS.
Finishing it was painfully boring. I do not recommend buying it.

I personally can't with how gross everything is in this game, you take a power up and tumors grow on your face, there are tumors and poop everywhere in this game. I feel like I'm being fed with negativity constantly by playing this game.

The gameplay is not bad but there are better roguelikes for my taste.

It was really good until the last 1/4 of the game, the chapters started to become a bit tedious with all the military stuff. What bothered me the most is that you have choices to have a relationship with a character and I rejected him the whole time, but in the end it was like those choices didn't matter at all, forcing me into that relationship.

I had the exact same problem with Fahrenheit, another Quantic Dream game.

The end felt rushed, there were some incoherences, I also felt like Aiden was forgotten in the last chapter, which is sad since you're with him for the whole game.

Don't get me wrong, we really liked this game, controlling a spirit is very cool, the storyline makes you feel intrigued and the characters are great.
It's a very charming game and I definitely recommend it.
I loved it for the most part, it's just that the ending left me

It looks and feels like a mobile phone game. The combat isn't that bad, and the whole concept has a lot of potential, but it's really underwhelming. I don't even know what to say, some things were good, but the overall feeling is a cheap mobile phone game pretending to be a computer game.
The art is bad, the UI is awful, there's no voice acting, and the game also feels unbalanced in terms of difficulty. I thought this was in early access but seeing that it's a finished game I have to put a negative review.

It's a tower defense game in which all the cool things about a tower defense game have been removed and only tedious parts remain.
- Having to load ammunition constantly into the turrets feels very tedious.
- We keep hitting our turrets by mistake making them stop working, agggh, tedious again, why would you have a mechanic in which you can disable your own turrets?
- The turrets break very easily by the monsters.
- Far away ammunition dispensers.
- No voice acting, hire someone from fiverr and put some voice acting at least for the tutorial. You have to play while reading and that's tedious.

I hardly see how some tedious things can be fixed because they seem to be the core of the gameplay. I love tower defense games and I felt very disappointed by this.

We played for less than an hour and had to quit because it felt way too tedious and barebones.


Masterpiece, there are new dialogues even after finishing the game and it's highly re-playable and addictive. It has become a favorite of mine.
Beautiful art, beautiful voice acting, beautiful music, and very very fun to play.

Got it for couch multiplayer and it feels underwhelming, the camera feels "too close?". And combat feels clunky, maps are weird too and not in a good way, I wanted to like it but I can't recommend it, specially at official price.

Music is really bad as well, I don't feel like it fits the game.

And yeah of course the online is dead. What a failure of a game.

As a tetrio and jstris player, i find the lack of handling customization a big letdown, as well as not being able to choose the theme of your pieces when playing online.
Journey mode is really beautiful and i loved it, but for me the main appeal of tetris is the online aspect and this is simply not it.

It was fun until both the combat and world exploration became tedious and made me feel like I need to force myself to keep playing to enjoy the game.