Is it really that hard to add a FUCKING MAP

Ending is way too corny but the I dig the overall vibe, puzzles are fun too

I'm here to kill Gilgamesh, that's my mission. Looks like Gilgamesh has been waiting for us....
I only know one thing: I want to kill Gilgamesh. I need to. It's not a hope, or a dream, it's like a hunger, a thirst.
This is the shrine of Gilgamesh. He's here, we just have to hunt him down.
The darkness is so thick I can taste it... this is it, no doubt.
We are here to kill Gilgamesh......

I feel like there's something I'm doing wrong here because everyone seems to love this game but it just felt really clunky to me. Granted I played for an hour and that's it, but I just couldn't get the hang of it and I wasn't having fun at all.
You have various movement options but you can't really cancel at all. You can slide, dive, double jump, wall-run, etc, which sounds great, but when you can't cancel your dive or slide chaining your movement becomes incredibly difficult. That plus the cramped level design which benefits a more "normal" shooter than this doesn't really let you take advantage of what you can do. I never felt comfortable using any of the movement options and I just sticked to diving because I thought it was the most reliable overall.
Then there's the movement speed. Look, I like fast paced games, but when your movement is so fast and your camera is constantly changing places due to diving or sliding it really becomes a pain to shoot someone in the head, especially when they have sentry-level aim and can just take you out in a couple of hits. The game encourages you to do stunts to dodge the bullets, but when those stunts feel awkward anyway there's not much to do really.
And then there's the visuals, which are just confusing. There's a lot of color between the plain white of the wall and it becomes hard to notice where the enemies or the objectives are, especially when everything is happening so fast.
Slow-mo is the only way I found to actually have good movement and kill people but just using it until it drains out is boring af.
I know you can change the difficulty, your movement speed, the slow-mo meter, etc (seriously the game has like +20 gameplay options) but honestly if I have to make 20 changes to the gameplay to actually start enjoying it then I'd rather not get into it at all

This review contains spoilers

It's insane how Mullins has somehow managed to recycle the same plot for the third time in a row. Same concept, same story, same ARG creepypasta bullshit. Absolutely nothing interesting about it. No one would give a damn about this dude if Pony Island hadn't been released at the perfect time it could. I'm so fucking angry because I think of him as one of the most uncreative people ever and when he finally has a great idea in his hands he just fucks it up, and I'm honestly happy that so many people lashed at him to the point of Kaycee's Mod existance.

Act 1 is insane, I was instantly drawed to the game by the style alone (which happened to a lot of people from what I see). The atmosphere is great, Leshy being a pair of eyes and hands floating in the darkness, how the scenery changes depending on where you fall (the boss fights are insane highlights here), even standing up and exploring the cabin, as small as it is, just makes you embrace the mood. Then there's the card game proper. Look, totems, sigils, fusions, there's insane ways to break this game and make it easy af for you, but it's just so damn engaging anyway. The way sacrificies work make it go smoothly, it lacks the hammer from later acts but that only makes you think harder about your positioning, managing your blood and bones to try surviving and dealing damage as hard you can. The fact that you can sacrificie your eye in a desperate attempt to win, everything works here and blends perfectly with the atmosphere. I tend to really like rogue-likes, but it's hard for me to stay with them till the 100%. Here tho? If you gave me a full game of just Leshy's cabin I would've 200%'d or smth.

Then act 2 comes up and it fucks it up. The new card systems aren't really intuitive and it's quite hard to get used to them, mainly due to the sudden, drastic and boring change in presentation the game has in every single way. Energy and necromancy are manageable, but Mox is just so badly thought up I can't see anyone sticking with it to the end. Good ol' beasts end up being the best, more familiar option you have available, and even then it just isn't good because the game becomes so boring. Transversing the map, fighting bosses, collecting cards, even just battling becomes so redundant when the game takes this boring retro ass aesthetic it just feels like a drag. I complained about this act being the easiest one but honestly I think it might just be better to phase through it. There's also no mystery about what's going on anymore, because you know it's just the same bullshit again: some random dude playing with a game cursed by some creepypasta-tier entity or something.

Act 3 is a lot better, not quite as act 1. The bases are back, the way the game is presented and how you build and upgrade your deck is almost the same, but there's the new card system, energy, which is more fleshed out than mox and necromancy, but not nearly as engaging as sacrifices. Sigils are fine, bosses are stupid yet engaging, rogue-like elements are a lot less present and a bit more annoying, but it's addictive and fun again. It just lacks everything that drawed you towards the game in the first place: the atmosphere, the presentation, the way the mechanics blend with the style of the game. I know it's the point, P03 doesn't give a shit about all that, but that just makes me think about other stuff: how cool the concept of 4 game masters battling to make a card game in their own image is. You get glimpses of it in the end (Magnificus' sucks of course, and it's honestly one of the best moments just because it makes you think of what could've been.

It's a real shame, because I genuinely like this game, I had fun with it, but it's creator just can't untie himself from concepts and stories that came directly from 2012. He can't just make a cool game, it has to be meta, a game about a game, some horror here and there, pull the rug, subvert it, whatever. At least I can repeat act 1 as much as I want now.

I wish Albel Nox was real so we could marry and have sex

I've played a lot of Valve's games for a lot of hours but I never really got into this one, feels boring to me most of the time. Shooting and killing doesn't feel good and there isn't any kind of variation in level design or zombies between campaigns. Gets better with friends tho.

I think it's quite funny that being an Amnesia game is what ends up dragging this game down. Some cool story concepts that present themselves so damn slowly that the game ends up feeling an absolute slog. Puzzles, darkness, stealth sequences, chases, everything that belonged to the series core feels like an annoying ass obstacle, either because they're that badly done (it's attempts at scaring you feel like a joke) or because the plot takes sooo long to develop that you end up tired of repetition. Game takes every chance it has to take you to a giant ass puzzle room because, idk, it's Amnesia I guess. The lamp is basically a legacy object because it has almost no use, it drains so quickly and oil is so scarce. Matches aren't that good but they can light torches and stuff and that makes them miles better. There's no mystery or anxiety about the monsters, there's just a few of them actively chasing you and they're easy af to avoid. It never really gets to be atmospheric because Tasi can't shut up about the little one. Nothing about Dark Descent works here because the game is way too centered in the protagonist and her journey, even the flashback format of telling you stuff doesn't work here because there's so much to tell you that you get one every 5 seconds.

God I got so bored playing this.

Took me like half of my playtime to get rid of the Bloodborne brainrot and actually try to understand the mechanics of the game and then Demon of Hatred comes and takes me back to the starting line, hate that guy

cool game, beating Genichiro's ass never gets tiring

-4.5 stars because of the cursed chalice (fuck that thing, every chalice actually)
+4 stars for my buddy Gehrman

Those shark giants are harder than every single boss

I accidentally killed Dusk in the end, I'm sorry

Works better when it leans more on Wreden's more personal moments (like the epilogue, which is the only full sequence I liked). It's a lot less engaging, which is what happens when you change the focus from a choice-based game to a hour and a half essay about the expectation and perception that people have of sequels/expansions/re-releases, but even taking that apart there's just nothing interesting being said here. Yeah collectibles are useless and just an artifical way of engaging the player with extra content, yes the bucket is just a sorry excuse of an expansion and the new endings are nothing more than filler to fulfill your desire of an expanded game. Yeah expansions suck. I get, you get it, we all get it, nothing new. The bucket joke feels like a sore try to the companion cube and the commentary that it's endings try to make is just... boring, shitty even.

There's a couple of funny moments here and there, but I just bored playing through, maybe I just don't find the game's humor funny anymore or it's just a lot more uninspired. It just subtracts from the base game, though that doesn't matter since it's clearly more intended as a sequel than an expansion. You could tell me "the point of the expansion is that it sucks!!!" but idk and idc.

Or hey, maybe it's actually pretty cool and I'm just mad that I payed for virtually the same game and expected actual interesting stuff and got this instead!!

I was streaming my game to a friend while having an intense fight with Gael. It ended with us killing each other while my friend screamed and laughed in the background due to the sheer epicness of it all

peak gaming

The level itself was ok
Freide wasn't really hard but damn was it a fun fight