7 reviews liked by MINFRED

i really like this one and idk why others don't

Frank Horrigan is the most raw rpg final boss ever

Batmobile segments taste so good when you ain't got a bitch in ya ear telling you they are bad

Except the Deathstroke one that's actually fucking dogshit

Hey Elon Musk, I know your fucking nerd fans love that you used JC Denton on twitter as a profile pic, but the one most likely to be a part of an evil organization of rich assholes running the world is you, you fucking fascist billionaire. Fuck Elon Musk.

Also good game, fun times with soy food and cybernetics.

EDIT: this review is funnier after the whole twitter thing. I’m glad that pompous dickhead is finally getting publicly humiliated so thoroughly.

both this game and saints row 2 are the only games i know where you can be a female in them, but because youre canonically still the person from the first game and in that game you can only be male, you have to be trans. and i think thats beautiful

They should kill me instead
Better than playing this

A great game for people who like shooting purple things on rooftops.