Well, I wanted Mario Odyssey 2. But this will do.

WOW this is fantastic. An amazing new entry in the "Super Mario Bros" series that, honestly, feels like a sequel to a game from 2006 rather than a sequel to the game we got in 2012 (NSMBU). This series has NEEDED better treatment, and I didn't really think we were gonna get much after Mario maker 2. Didn't realize we needed this until now, I guess.

What a whimsical and colorful premise this game went with!
The 2D artstyle is amazing! And the wonder flower gimmicks too, like omg do I even need to say it, this game is just lovely. And really intuitively designed! Honestly this is nintendo at some if their most premium feeling.

I wish there was like ONE or TWO more power ups and less wonder flower repeats, and a few more ideas perhapppsss. This game is pretty much a 9.5/10 to me, not much to complain about here. I'm so glad we got this ❤️

Y'know, these games are, in a way, just okay? A lot of the unique gameplay this franchise offers can become tedious. The puzzles and climbing mechanics are mostly fun to master, but can sometimes be pretty poorly implemented. Like you don't know where to go or the journal doesn't help the puzzle well at all. And the gunplay is VERY whatever. Not bad, but like.. yeah that's it. It's not garbage, so there's that.

So, let me say what's GREAT about these games. Easily, the acting is one of the strongest elements of all three entries. The writing isn't always great, but what always stands out is the razor sharp delivery of every line, brought to life by all the amazing actors. The cutscenes are always a treat. They're funny, well shot, and serve a necessary cinematic purpose. As well as, of course, having such brilliant action-packed spectacle every 10 minutes. Pre-rendered or in-game, the action and intensity are nailed. It may actually be the best part about the games. The stories are nice to engage with, but idk if anyone thinks one of these stories stands out over the others (not talking about 4, I haven't played it yet). You could say the directing is one of this game's strong suits. Also that score BANGS. All of it! Every track! Great OST.

Okay, gunplay. I obviously just beat 3 most recently and I gotta say, combat was definitely improved in that one... kinda. Fist fights are a hit or miss. (What is it with me playing games with bad fist fighting? I don't even want to fist fight!). But throwing grenades back? Solid implementation. I also learned that snipers and any explosive weapons are your friends in these games. They add a whole new level of badass, honestly. I wish that it felt like there was more impact to killing enemies. Unless you blow them the fuck up they just kinda ragdoll when they die. But that's kind of a nitpick.

Following Nathan, Sully and Elena around the world on a conquest for treasure is a formula I shockingly didn't get tired of. The characters' conflict is always interesting and are mostly well-written. Combined with the music and visuals, I loved this as a narrative experience! As far as narrative games go though, I beat God of War 2018 recently, ain't nothing comparing to that. The Uncharted games are imperfect in specific ways, they can be inconsistent and lacking at times. But these were all unique and fun in their own right and I think they have a special identity that makes them worth playing. Maybe not committing to? But definitely to try out.

For those who said "too long, didn't read" to this review:

(I only played these so I could get into uncharted 4 lmao.)

It's a little rough in the gameplay department, but the controls are awesome! The level design got me frustrated at many points but overall this game is still unique and worth checking out.

Also, y'all, these corn kids? They're funny. I like these goat kids. They make me laugh and they like nachos.

I'm gonna randomly start reviewing games I've played. Gaming is a hobby of mine! I don't dedicate myself to games often, I don't sink several hours many games and instead I opt for experiencing many games and cool new worlds to discover. Love that shit!

Uh.. yeah so uh.. "Crusaders of Might and Magic"

This is a cool and dumb PSX game my friend found for $7.99. I got it and was reminded just how much fun I have with PS1 games. They're so silly! Didn't play much of this one but I'm curious if I can get into it lol. Hard game to understand despite the seriously long tutorial dialogue. Maybe I just don't get it. Cool game no one's heard of!

Fucking. Astonishing.

Never will I ever encounter another piece of media that makes me feel like this. To play a game that truly confronts death as something to embrace rather than fear is phenomenal. On top of that, there is nothing more relaxing than being the captain of a boat and doing miscellaneous errands while helping out the people you love. That, AND listening to the beautiful OST at the same time.

This is one of my favorite games. If you don't like this I find you genuinely confusing. Fucking 10/10

The ending kinda biffed it for me, but MAN was this a fucking rad AAA experience.

My favorite part of the first game was the combat and webslinging. That gameplay loop is embedded in my brain and I loved the hell out of it. Gadget switching, combo-ing into webbing someone to a wall, this shit was smooth as hell. My main problem with the first game was the MJ and Miles (who isn't spider-man yet) missions. They were at best, unexceptional, and at worst, void of fun. Also the science minigames were really boring. Still can't believe Insomniac gave you the option to just flat out skip those in the remaster, I think they knew they sucked. And the first game's story was passible, it was a nice backdrop for the gameplay.

THIS game on the other hand? HUGE upgrade. For the most part. Whoever came up with the web wings needs a raise NOW, they are SICK. Seriously, the controls are so precise and tight, they are seriously the biggest highlight of this game for me. Along with the web dash and jump you can do on top of the gliding. So many quality of life upgrades. No more mandatory science minigames (Just one and it's the introductory to the optional minigames), and there are still MJ missions, but much fewer, and they have improved... Kinda? What the fuck are the shitty third-person shooter inclusions? They aren't poorly designed, just incredibly dull. Also I will say, the writing can be cringe. Not the story, I'll get to that in a sec, but sometimes they're really heavy handed with the messages of the scenes.

Okay, Kraven FUCKS. I love the threat he poses so much. A villain that kills for sport? Holy shit. Venom is also really rad and I like this new interpretation of it. What I like about the story in this one are the stakes. It's TERRIFYING?? There's some wild shit that happens, I won't get into it, this review is mostly spoiler free. But yeah, awesome villains, awesome inclusions, the writing kinda blows. It's not always bad, there are good lines and motivations here and there, but the ending was just a liiiittle disappointing? I think it's just because I beat this game on hard mode and the final boss made me MAD. But yeah, there are aspects of what happens in the finale and what characters do in that finale that I just didn't agree with. That's all I have to complain about though.

What a game, I absolutely love the upgrades to just about everything. I love hearing the difference in the spider-men's web thwips, it's a great detail. I love gliding around the city, I love the new minigames and collectables. What a downright fun time this game was. I really enjoyed my PS4, and I'm REALLY enjoying what my PS5 has to offer.

Guarantied bad trip if on hallucinogens

Wow. So.. I think there are pros and cons with this game compared to BOTW. I'll quickly discuss what wasn't really great about this game.

The optimization in this game is.. sad. Because it's well optimized, but the switch can't handle it. We all know this by now, this game has frame rate dips, intentional resolution drops, worse render distance, and for some reason has sound popping on my switch oled? That last one might just be my system though. This is a meaty game and you will find it freezing when you do something the game allows and encourages you to do like jump into hyrule chasm. Graphically, It's distracting and often doesn't look good, and the real crime here is the Nintendo Switch. Let it be known that if this system does not get a major graphical upgrade by the end of next year, there cannot be more big games releasing on this thing, it's puny and it's almost 7 god damn years old.

My other issue I have unfortunately lies with the writing and voice acting. The story is fine, I think it's interesting for what it is but.. the voice acting. Can they.. fix that at all? Can they have certain voice actors NOT sound unenthusiastic or cringy? Yunobo is really annoying and Zelda still.. doesn't quite work for me. Though I really liked Sonia? And Mineru wasn't so bad. I will say, I think I got used to it as the game wrapped up, but I still wish that could be better along with the writing. It just needs to have more emotion put into it and I don't think I'm asking for much. Such as dubs go, I guess.

Okay, now that that has been said...


This is without a fucking DOUBT, the best exclusive on switch right alongside Super Mario Odyssey. I am absolutely blown away with how intuitive the building system works and how fun the world is to do.. ANYTHING in. Any contraption beyond your wildest imagination is possible (as long as you don't care about frame rate dips). The exploration was turned up to 1000 with the inclusion of the depths, the sky, and the caves. Seeing "discovery" on the screen brings me so much joy. The weapon system brings me so much joy! Fuse is so much fun to play around with and see how new weapons react with certain items. Weapon buffs and powerful monster parts make it so every weapon is interesting, and you also never really run out lol. Every battle can be tackled in wayy more ways than before, and the way the overworld was transformed truly beats the allegations of "it's just the same map!" It's a full blown sequel, there is no denying that.

Now I wish the narrative and the writing were better, but let me tell you, the artistic value in the world of BOTW/TOTK is unmatched, and it shows in this game more than ever. The M U S I C is SO FUCKING GOOOD AAAAHH (Nintendo, release it on spotify or I will do violence). The score just takes you away and lifts you into the sky, often literally. The mood that's expressed in every theme and motif is just perfect. The gloom theme? INSANE. Those computery voice noises are just incredible. And the cinematics, I just loved. I love both games artstyles so much, especially because they work with the switch's graphical capabilities so well. But man, the dragons, the depths, the zonai constructs, this game absolutely nailed it with how much newly designed stuff is here.

I.. love this game, that's not an unpopular thing to say, and it is absolutely the most quality game on switch despite it's shortcomings. I desperately want to see this game run better on native hardware to see it at it's full potential. But as it stands, it's far from unplayable. In fact, this is a game you can really just keep playing and keep having that authentic feeling with. That feeling of discovery, freedom, and being in the world just listening to the music and sounds of nature, or the sky, whatever. Is it better than BOTW? I would say yes and no? But not equally, ultimately, It's a resounding yes to me because there is simply so much more than before that it is overall a better game. A truly special game and a truly special entry in this franchise. But we already know this. If you own a switch and haven't played this game... what tf are you doing? Don't buy pokemon scarlet/violet. You know what to play. It's this.

Has some hiccups, but honestly super fun and adorable platformer! Fun music too. Definitely check this one out

why does this game have nazis in it?

YEESH. I played a lot of the base game. I played it twice and even got the platinum trophy on PlayStation. I was expecting to eat this DLC up. It's still a solid update with some excellent additions. And even though it was last update, I'm so glad jumping carries momentum now, holy shit, that and the spin dash are great.

For me, I'm keeping this DLC unfinished for now because, like a lot of frontiers' existence, the game design is just ASININE. It's INSANELY unbalanced for no reason, the cyberspace levels, while cool, are completely pointless because of the sheer amount of rewards, why wasn't that balanced too? The pop-in is worse, some challenges are crazy difficult which is kinda cool but mostly bullshit.

Idk, it's cool to play as other characters, but I'll finish this another time. Just too many strange design choices along with the Master Trial being too fucking hard. "Perfect parry" these nuts.

While beating this game again, I learned probably the most important part about it's existence. It truly is experienced best when you take your sweet ass time beating the story.

When you rush this game (in particular so you can play it again in preparation for TOTK), you lose the magic of exploring, discovering and collecting. When you go anywhere, there is shit to do and resources to collect. When you play just to collect the Divine Beasts and beat Ganon, you lose like, the whole game. It's tough, given that people will probably beat the game before you when you do this, but hopefully the story and spoilers aren't the priority to you lol. The priority should be to immerse yourself in this vast and beautiful world. Being taken away by what's out there, enjoying the scenery, combat, and collectables.

All to say that, when this game hits, it hits


Good night! Happy Tears of the Kingdom launch day, everybody!


Re-reviewing this quickly to say that this game has rad art, rad music, and an overall rad premise. I really am not a fan of how this game controls, and I wish level ideas were cooler. I don't have right to call this game shit though, it's just not too fun to me