This game's.. kinda bad?

Cool playstation exclusive, terrible roguelike.

The world building here is phenomenal, but I just.. CAN'T stand this level layout. everything is clunky and unbalanced and choosing the wrong weapon is a death sentance. The illusion of choice.. but I rock with those who like this DLC so go play i guess

One of the most lovingly crafted experiences I've ever played. This is an all-time classic. God I love video games.

I love this game! A reeeally stylistic and exciting platformer.

Not every segment of this game is great, and the story is.. kinda bad? Not BAD bad, just kinda bad. The jokes kinda ruled though. Other than that, loved this game's creativity.
Seriously, who wrote the dialogue for the child character.

Also yeah, you need a friend to play this lmao

Great story, really funny platforming physics, engaging writing.

Yeah this one's a banger.

My friend gave me his PS4 copy of Cyberpunk. Here's what I think of the game.

I never really considered what was in this game? I thought it was more of an action RPG than anything. Turns out it's also a looter shooter? Also literally just GTA? While this gameplay takes a lot of ambitious ideas with building your character's stats and having options as to how you approach the game, there's a certain blandness to how they went about this game's design. That being said, I kinda loved this game's design? Lmao. Let me attempt to explain.

After not seeing much of any gameplay of this game and playing it on PS5 two years after the game's launch, I will say, going in mostly blind, the game could be quite stunning at times. When you see night city from a certain height, the artstyle kind of clicks. This game isn't breathtaking, but I started to really feel a part of the world that was made to explore, and I started to immerse myself in all of it.

Before I get into what I loved, Let's get this out of the way. If you don't like the looks of this game, you're gonna hate it lmao. Aspects of it's design are weirdly overstuffed. You'll find yourself ignoring phone calls and missions like crazy. You have the option to go eat food, but also why the fuck would you do that. Yet, the actual meat of the game is talking to characters, making decisions, and then pretty basic gunplay with some hacking shit to keep things interesting. So much detail they put in this that I can't help but wonder if it was even necessary. The detail isn't entirely worth praising because this game STILL ISN'T FUCKING FINISHED. Glitches galore! My car kept clipping into NPCs and going fucking bananas! Cutscenes were occasionally broken and wouldn't play out properly. Not to mention crashing... please fix the crashing CDPR. But the biggest sin of all in this game... was entirely intentional. The fist fighting. Good... LORD. WHO THOUGHT THAT SHIT WAS FUN? The last part of the side job "Beat on the Brat" was utterly atrocious. The person you're fighting, Rhino, just magnetizes to you and kills you in ONE HIT. And it's pointless to dodge! They hit you anyway! (You can literally dodge 5 times consecutively) And when they block, they become unhittable? Who thought that shit was finished? Not to mention it just feels sloppy. You'll find yourself spamming punch because your opponent is stunned and then you will question what you're doing with your life as you keep hitting the trigger. In my opinion? The worst part about this game.

Okay, now I'm done complaining. Cuz yeah I do have complaints, but in all honesty, this was the most fun I've had with an open world in a while.

No, this game isn't as good as Zelda or God of War (I'm not crazy), But this gameplay loop kept bringing me back because I had so much fun being a goofy lil goofball in this universe.

I love borderlands, so the looter shooter aspect really made me love the game more. When I found stronger guns, I absolutely went to town on enemies. You'll go to low level zones and start blasting while doing an evil laugh while doing said blasting. But then the higher level challenges come around and you start to strategize. Using quickhacks weirdly becomes a lot of fun cuz you can make the NPCs do exactly what you need them to do (with enough upgrades). Including making a guy kill himself (My personal favorite). The gunplay isn't top-tier shit, but it's not shallow enough to be considered unfun. Especially when you have upgrades like double jumping. Boy, does the gunplay get silly. And getting better guns is just a great time. Also, katanas and mantis blades? Stupid, but hella fun.

But that's just the combat, what about the story?

Well, underneath the boring exposition dialogue and cutscenes explaining computer sci-fi words, you get an actually decent story about succumbing to living in a shithole posed as a paradise. A concept that's explored really well in my opinion. But what sells it most of all are the performances. The mo-cap is solid but wow, some characters are genuinely really cool to talk to and interact with. Panam, Jackie, Delamain, Judy, Goro, Misty, and of course, Johnny Fucking Silverhand. Characters I grew to love. They were all interesting and had something to lose to some extent (Delamain kinda, his mission was my favorite, that's all I'm trying to say), along with everyone coming from different parts of town. Characters having something to lost feels so thematically right for this story because if you DON'T have something to lose? There's no point living in night city lmao. The dialogue can be a hit or miss, but the character writing? Performances? Animation? Honestly got so invested I didn't even realize the game was over.

It's hard to explain this game's quality. It's poorly made, but there's also so much convenient design choices. It's boring but exciting? All I know is that I was hooked and had a looooot of fun with this game. And I WILL keep playing the post game. I used to play a lot of GTAV, it's almost like this brings back memories in a way, lol.

This game could be better, but I what we got is still a worthwhile experience, if not deeply flawed to the point where it fundamentally won't work with certain players. And besides, I DIDN'T PAY FOR THIS LMAOOO MY FRIEND GAVE IT TO ME!!

If you bought this at launch that's an L for you. Good night!

yeah this game's still rad.

Not the best story in the world and certainly not the best writing. And the MJ and Miles sequences are straight ass. If those are in the next game I legit may skip it.

But that spider-man combat bro. oml. thank you insomniac.

Also the cutscenes are super pretty. great visuals are to be expected though. Also this remaster got rid of LOADING SCREENS. That's just supremely cool.

Has some hiccups, but honestly super fun and adorable platformer! Fun music too. Definitely check this one out

why does this game have nazis in it?

Again, fun game! It's like, the exact same as the last two, but with a different story, and a badass plane crash sequence.

Y'know, these games are, in a way, just okay? A lot of the unique gameplay this franchise offers can become tedious. The puzzles and climbing mechanics are mostly fun to master, but can sometimes be pretty poorly implemented. Like you don't know where to go or the journal doesn't help the puzzle well at all. And the gunplay is VERY whatever. Not bad, but like.. yeah that's it. It's not garbage, so there's that.

So, let me say what's GREAT about these games. Easily, the acting is one of the strongest elements of all three entries. The writing isn't always great, but what always stands out is the razor sharp delivery of every line, brought to life by all the amazing actors. The cutscenes are always a treat. They're funny, well shot, and serve a necessary cinematic purpose. As well as, of course, having such brilliant action-packed spectacle every 10 minutes. Pre-rendered or in-game, the action and intensity are nailed. It may actually be the best part about the games. The stories are nice to engage with, but idk if anyone thinks one of these stories stands out over the others (not talking about 4, I haven't played it yet). You could say the directing is one of this game's strong suits. Also that score BANGS. All of it! Every track! Great OST.

Okay, gunplay. I obviously just beat 3 most recently and I gotta say, combat was definitely improved in that one... kinda. Fist fights are a hit or miss. (What is it with me playing games with bad fist fighting? I don't even want to fist fight!). But throwing grenades back? Solid implementation. I also learned that snipers and any explosive weapons are your friends in these games. They add a whole new level of badass, honestly. I wish that it felt like there was more impact to killing enemies. Unless you blow them the fuck up they just kinda ragdoll when they die. But that's kind of a nitpick.

Following Nathan, Sully and Elena around the world on a conquest for treasure is a formula I shockingly didn't get tired of. The characters' conflict is always interesting and are mostly well-written. Combined with the music and visuals, I loved this as a narrative experience! As far as narrative games go though, I beat God of War 2018 recently, ain't nothing comparing to that. The Uncharted games are imperfect in specific ways, they can be inconsistent and lacking at times. But these were all unique and fun in their own right and I think they have a special identity that makes them worth playing. Maybe not committing to? But definitely to try out.

For those who said "too long, didn't read" to this review:

(I only played these so I could get into uncharted 4 lmao.)

This is a.. FANTASTIC movement shooter campaign! The movement is so seamlessly perfect! Every wall jump or platforming gimmick is more exciting than the last! And landing any kill is satisfying! I love BT soooo much, but the story is only partially good. For me, it's a take it or leave it story. But wow. This game should be cheap now, PLAY THIS CAMPAIGN PLEASE !!!

Tried one online match and got kids yelling and arguing with their moms. .. Also the team deathmatch was set to like, first to 120 kills? Wtf? lmao

EA, respawn is your best studio. Now make Titanfall 3.