I want to like it and I have fond memories, but it just wasn't that great and is certainly not worth revisiting.

Not as good as link's awakening, but a worthwhile title. Unlike seasons.....

Fun game, god-tier OST. Worth playing for that alone.

Wasn't terrible, but it felt quite derivative and handholdy

Far, far better than it had any right to be. The best non-nintendo platformer I've played.

Very weak FE outing. Map design is frustrating, roy sucks, story isn't great.


It's got interesting puzzles and plays nicely but I can't remember anything else about it, which is a major strike against it.

Interesting ideas but the game doesn't really do anything unique outside of them.

Gameplay is meh but the story and music are the best in the series. Fight me.

Controls are solid and responsive, but holy shit the map is way too big. Overall map design isn't that great either tbh. Rooms aren't really memorable and a lot of exploration just ends up getting you geo instead of anything meaningful.

Mechanically, it's great. In everything else, just play the original. It's even balanced better tbh

AAA games were a mistake
wake me when they have an original idea with an original idea and meaningful upgrades