games i love for aspects they master

Nothing here!

atmosphere in this game is amazing, i love the pixel art for the grand gothic castle and the music really helps the vibe the game creates, just a really immersive experience
the sense of freedom and how comfortable / smooth the game is to handle, it becomes like breathing by the time you get a grasp of the gameplay and its a feeling games struggle to get players to feel
hype aspect, super sonic is back to being cool and even if this game feels like a tech demo and disappoints at parts
this game is PRETTY, it might have the best graphics i ever seen
each area, each cutscene, each battle feels great with how amazing the game looks
the way the game allows each player to have an unique playthrough, theres so many different ways to play through areas and bosses
that detail of detail is what i love ( alongside the good story )
this has to be the best gameplay i seen in so long, every boss fight is the coolest time ever


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