If you completely ignore every single one of the polemics of this game, you’re going to find an amazing representation of HP art style, with the most boring gameplay and horrible dialogues and story, yep, the only good thing about this is how it looks.

Good like the original, but unnecessary. Gaming industry should stop with the remakes of games that aged like wine.

Resident Evil 1 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 Remake, are the only games that used well the “Remake” part. Amazing game.

Devil May Cry 2 is by far the most overhated game of the history, holy shit.

DMC2 is not even close of the first game in the series, it has worse graphics, worse level design and oversimplified combat, a shit story and for some reason Dante now has Leon (from RE4) personality but my god "worst game ever made"? Not even close.

This game has shit dev cycle and etc etc, but in a 9 months developed game you have a completely funcional shit, no major bugs, no game breaking sequence, ok performance even for the ps2 era and weird but competent level design with some good plataforming sessions. I feel that people that hate this game purposely frustrate their experiences with it by playing in the most boring way (spaming pistols) and with a close mind to not recongnize absolutely nothing that dmc2 does.

This game has good animations both from Dante combat but also movements, walking on the walls, backflips, for godsake, half of the gunslinger style from DMC3 has the animations of the DMC 2 pistols, the same goes for trickster, the player now has an option to deactivate the automatic aim lock with R2, Dante controls way better in the air and plataforming is way better than DMC 1, Dante character design and DT here are the better ones on the franchise and secrets involving flying and plataforming are pretty cool, and i honestly really enjoyed the last bossfight, the amalgamation of the bosses is cool, we got a new mechanic with the amulets that changes how your weapon interacts with enemys going from elements to actually slowing time, and it also changes DT forms, different sword that are suitable for different encounter (long distance, short and burst damage and balanced being the starting one) and you can also change weapons on the go without the need of going through an slow menu.

Look i'm not saying that DMC2 is actually a good game, but it has it's things, and things that reflected on the other games of the franchise in a good way, and i'm sorry, but calling a game with no gamebraking glitches, a duration of less than 2 hours were it's worst crime is "being boring" is just stupid, DMC 2 just suffer the effect of people being unable to look at something and form their own opinion, it's always easier to just repeat what someone else said right?


A Love Letter to the now dying Classic Survival Horror Genre.

Tormented Souls is heavily inspired by the RE1 Remake art style and gameplay but with the Silent Hill atmosphere, Puzzles and plot.

It's nothing close to those classic games, but an extremely fun experience, with nice puzzles, awesome enemy designs and level design.

It has a horrible performance on PS5 tho

Pretty fun, but not as good as the original, the lack of a second run and substantial differences between Leon and Claire is disappointing

Replaying bully is pretty funny because as a child i remember every single news channel talking about bully as a "Bad" influence for the kid, when in reality is the complete opposite.

Bully is my second favorite Rockstar game and the only one i find it "relatable" in some way, and i think it should be the same for almost everyone, Bullworth Academy has every single one of the social groups of any school divide by factions that are basic Bullies, Richs, Athletes, Bad Boys and Nerds, Jimmy is just a teenager with a lot of home problems going through puberty and of curse has problems with his mother and autority in the same way, and well in the very moment you start the game Jimmy is welcomed with a group of guys bullying for absolutely no reason at all, showing from the very first second how things gonna go.

Above i said that it's funny to see this games as bad influence, but why? Actually, at every single way the game tries to advise the player to not be like the NPCs, both through the game mechanics and mainly by the story, for example, one of the first interactions of the game with a female student is with Mandy that is a super popular Cheerleader calling Beatrice, a nerd gir, "uggly" out of nowhere, and on the same mission you can see mandy vomiting on a toilet showing signals of anorexia and insecurity, and the game tries to make very clear how and why every single one of the charters have that personality, and that is not only for the main story ones, for example, there is a NPC called Trent (from the Bullies faction) that every time he is picking on someone he uses the f-word and such, but also when Jimmy with a girl he directly attacks her, showing a signal of jealously, and if you interact with him you'll discover that he actually likes Jimmy and surprise, we can also see that the main character is actually bissexual, pretty cool huh? if the game was released today it would probably be labeled as "woke", with that aside, in some way the entirety of Bully is basically Jimmy getting to know himself better and also the problems of his friends, and i'm pretty sure that alot of the problems of the Bully NPCs are relatable to alot of people, because they are idk real (?) besides the thing with the main villain, every single problem of the Bully universe is something almost everyone has experienced, you got Jhonny that is in love with Lola a manipulativa polyamorus that only uses man to get something, Mandy the super evil but actually insecure teenager girl, Edgar the guy with hate for rich people because of his parents financial conditions, Pinky the girl that demands to be treated as princess because thats how her parents threats her, incompetent authority figures that sees bully only as form of "Creating man" and so much more, in fact every single time i play this shit it reminds me of my own high school.

But besides the parallels with reality, what and how is Bully story? Jimmy has shit parents got expelled from 7 diffent schools and it's throwed against his will in one of the worst colleges in the country where he is recived with people preying on the "weak" where he gets offered help from a guy named Gary that it's actually a sociopath and wants to take over the school using the protagonist as pawn for its plans. I have a lot of appreciation for what Rockstar did with Gary, he pratically only appears on the first chapter and on the final mission, but he is presented for the player as a manipulative mastermind and the game show this well, Gary with absolute no screen time controls every single bit of information going through school, and he knows everything about everyone and uses it every well, in every single faction final mission you see a clear influence of Gary and how he guided the course of the story to that point, he is an extremely hateful and charismatic character used in a very experimental way, i mean, i'm pretty sure that he has less screen time than Augie that is a nerd guy that pees on his pants but still is clearly the most influential on the story.

Bully introduces the player to better npc interaction system (that started on GTA SA) where you can talk or shit talk any NPC of the game, you can kiss girls, boys, start fights, use a very interesting arsenal of weapons that interacts in differnt ways with the fight, and the combat is basically a beat them up that starts really poorly but as you get new moves it obviusly gets better, every npc faction has a fight style and the Faction leaders all have unique movesets and grab animations, Jimmy habilites progresses as the player attend to classes or do favors for other adults, and above all that Bully has BY FAR the BEST Rockstar OST.


This is definitely a game that existis

Te odeiam pq não te entendem....

Not as bad like SMT V, but still wtf Atlus, this game looks cheap, unity logo at the cover, horrible performance, bland characters, bad discussion about “morals” bad character designs overall, the only above average thing in the game is Ringo.

CD Projekt Red should be thanking the Media and YouTube for making people think that bugs and last gen version of the games were Cyberpunk's only problem.

The game is trash, horrible, easily one of the worst things I've ever played and the worst cyberpunk media i ever consumed.

• Pathetic history
• There is absolutely no good characters, even V and Jhony Mão de Latão are horriby
• Main Campaign is a BD and "follow the NPC simulator
• Boring and empty dialogues
• Night City is artificial as any of the Ubisoft Open World games
• NPCs purposely take long to delivery the second part of it's questlines with the only intention of inflating game time
• Absolutely nothing to do in the Open World, a game empty as a fucking Prototype game would be
• BUGS, YES, after 2 years of the release date and a next gen versiom of the game, this shit is buggy as an Bethesda game.
• NPCs sometimes don't apear and you have to reload a save
• Visual Bugs
• Enemy's A.I can randomly stop working
• The last mission of the game bugged for me because an enemy was simply immortal so the game wouldn't progress
• The "cyberpunk" is just a generic and bland aesthetic for the game
• it's absolutely not a RPG

By the end, this is a fucking joke, it's the worst type of bad game, the one that is frustrating, dull and the only thing keeping it for being forgetful is the fucking 8 years marketing scheme.

BUT, here, 2 good things about the game:
• Amazing gunplay, honestly, shooting things feels really good here.
• The skill tree allows the players to have different play styles.

My fucking good, what a boring piece of garbage.

I like Persona 5 just as much as the next persona but WHY ANOTHER GAME WITH SAME CHARACTERS JOKES AND STORY STYLE. it feels like atlus is a fucking slave of this game.

The gameplay and combat is just bootleg Disgaea with horrible SMT skin and the art style is just persona 5 but chibi, Erina is pretty cool tho, the 1 star is just for her.

"This city can get real scary if you got no friends remember that"

A game about the city and not it's characters, everyone is a vilain here, Dimitri, Niko, Ray, Luis, Jhonny etc, GTA IV will present the player with differnts visions of the city through the eyes of 3 differnt characters that work for different mafias but every single story cross with each other all the time, that can happen through the main missions, the radio talking about the other campaing events like the heroin traficc of the Jhonny group, the russian mafia massacres of Niko and so on, even the color pallet it different for every character, representing it ways to see the city like Niko has a Gray filter all the time representing his feeling of being dead inside since the war, every single one of the stories are bitter, the characters are sad and the city eat the soul of every single one of them, the perfect gaming representation of the american dream am i right?

GTA IV has by far the most "Alive" city that rockstar ever made, you make friends on the story, friends that miss the characters if you don't hang out with them or even get mad about it, internet dating, radios and newspaper sites that talk about every single event of the story so things don't feel like an isolated thing where it has no impact on the city, you can find differnt special npcs with missions and unique random events, you deal with every tipe of american hypocritical steryotipe, from a ultra right-wing family values gay senator to a black guy trying to make money from the tragedies on the hood. We are presented we 3 amazing stories from horrible characters trying to survive in america and i think every single one of this stories are better than any other thing rockstar has ever written, and honestly i doubt this will change with GTA VI.