15 reviews liked by Malevolence

There are so many things that can lead to your demise in this game. One minute you're talking to a guy, the next minute, boom, you're dead. You take a step in the wrong direction, boom, you're dead.
I loved exploring the world and getting caught up in the fast-paced action of the game. But I'm got tired of all these trial and error decisions that just end in disaster. There have been countless times when I've had to resort to googling for help, and I don't think a game should be that complicated, you know?
This game feels like a stepping stone for Baldur's Gate 3. If you're a fan of Baldur's Gate 3 and you're craving more Larian Studios action, maybe just stick to playing Baldur's Gate 3 again and skip this one.

This game's dungeon layouts can get old, and constantly going in them sucks, but the music is peak and the story is pretty good

My 2023 Game of The Year. Play this game.

I am confused as to why I played it for so long

Darkest Dungeon is a game with incredible presentation and surprisingly lacklustre gameplay.

Excessive randomness, tedious grind (even in the game's Radiant mode), and a feeling of repetition setting in around the mid-point meant I dropped this and won't be picking it up again. It's a real shame, because the aesthetic is top notch.

I really enjoyed the journey and the take on mental health, but feel that the gameplay could be improved upon

Catherine is ruthlessly experimental and one of the most creative games of its generation.