Celeste is simply splendid. This indie game emerged through a Jam, after its great initial success, years of development were necessary until we had this impressive work within this magnificent niche that includes indie games. Celeste's story revolves around Madeline, a young adult full of personal problems, trying to prove to herself that she is capable of doing something great. The game's narrative deals with various issues such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, attachment, abandonment, death, mourning and overcoming in a visceral and at the same time playful way, through the personification caused by the magical power of the Celeste mountain. The gameplay is simple and fluid, linked to an intimidating level design, and the wonderful art made by Brazilians (always good to highlight my country's participation in the indie scene). Furthermore, Celeste is a game that I recommend to everyone, I believe it is one of those games that we need to play at least once in our lives. Despite the difficulty, everything else is worth it and the irritation of getting stuck somewhere is rewarded soon after. I emphasize that I finished the game with a little more than 2500 deaths, managing to collect a measly 40 hearts.


Sifu is a great game to pass time and experience something completely new. Its art direction and graphic style are wonderful, permeated by complex combat mechanics, with combos and a development tree (which is literally a tree). The repetition may be boring for some players, but in my opinion, it was used masterfully, making it light and fun through the shortcuts and permanently unlocked skills. Furthermore, the game motivates you to continue playing even after finishing the campaign (which should take around 5-6 hours), through objectives and cosmetics. Three different endings are presented (good, evil and secret), in addition to some small parallel stories told through NPCs. Therefore, Sifu is a classic rogue like with innovative elements and a spectacular aesthetic, highly recommended to admirers of the genre and people who want a different and relatively short challenge (Play with the voices in Chinese).

Darksiders can be considered one of the good underrated games in the Hack and Slahs style of the seventh generation, despite not being the technical excellence that many people talk about (influenced by nostalgia). Its story is interesting, based on a retelling/fiction of some Christian events and prophecies mixed with some points from other beliefs at certain times. Despite taking place in an open world, the story is linear and the world is empty (except for the presence of the same monsters in the same places every time). There are no side missions or anything that makes you want to continue playing after finishing the game. Furthermore, the level design is interesting, evolving as the story progresses, the characters and NPCs are hideous and with well-developed basic moves, the combat becomes repetitive after a while, even with all the mechanics (sometimes innovative among games). similar) that are added after unlocking weapons and items. The bosses present a certain degree of difficulty and grandeur (just like the colossi in Shadow Of The Colossus), being one of the game's greatest strengths. Character development and weapon and skill improvements work well. The biggest negative point of this game in my opinion is the repetition and especially the Puzzles, where they are all practically identical, the player can go through them in a few minutes without thinking too much, due to their low level of complexity. Finally, Darksiders is an interesting experience within its niche, but I wouldn't recommend it as someone's first experience in the genre due to its numerous problems, namely: Graphics below expectations for the time (although I don't mind ), slow development with some grinds, generic elements at certain times and unnecessary repetitions.

Horizon Chase is one of the good Brazilian games within this industry that grows every year. The arcade racing style is very faithful to the fourth generation games, bringing with it the essence linked to improvements in gameplay, soundtrack, level editing and progression. With different countries around the world and many classic cars, replaying the levels to win all the trophies becomes a fun task. From this perspective, I recommend the game to anyone who wants to feel the experience of classic racing games again, breaking away from the current perspective that permeates this genre, which sometimes finds itself stuck in the same repetitive aspect.

A good game, bringing the nostalgia of fifth generation Grand Theft Auto's through an isometric view. Featuring beautiful graphics (in the IOS version), innovative and interesting mechanics (making Chinatown the most creative GTA), a simple but intriguing story that improves with the addition of several charismatic characters. The Chinatown theme was one of the great positive points, bringing new perspectives to the franchise, involving gang wars, criticism of the difficulties that immigrants suffer and references to traditional Chinese culture. I believe that the lack of voice in the characters may bother some of the players, I particularly like this artistic choice, as it matches the theme. I recommend the game for people who like the first games in the franchise and for those looking for something new within Grand Theft Auto's.

Skate 3 is a good game, with a simple and progressive story demonstrating the evolution of an amateur to the level of Pro-Skater, good controls and above all, a great open world (despite the limitations between maps with long loading times). The customization is interesting for the time, despite not being extensive when it comes to the character. Maneuvers flow well, with few errors and confusion. I recommend the game for anyone who wants to experience what is perhaps the best Skateboarding game of all time, directly rivaling the fifth generation Tony Hawk's.

It's not a good game. This title almost destroyed Counter Strike, bad mechanics, average graphics for the time, lots of bugs and low adherence from the general community and professionals. Despite being a newer game, the vast majority of players chose to stay on Counter Strike 1.6. Finishing the review, I don't recommend the game because there are currently no good servers, few people keep playing, the presence of many hackers and maps similar to those of Counter Strike 1.6.

An average game that has improved a lot over 10 years. I played around 1000 hours over 4 years, I didn't have a good experience due to my computer, the random players who were extremely toxic and the countless hackers during the games. I believe I was able to enjoy broadcasts from professional players much more than actually playing. Furthermore, I don't currently recommend the game.

A good multiplayer game that lost its essence over the seasons. Because I always played with friends, I have good memories of the game between 2018 and the beginning of 2021, after that I feel like nothing was as interesting as before, perhaps because of the map, new flawed gameplay or the battle passes that became increasingly worse. It's clear that Fortnite further popularized the Battle Royale genre and innovated by adding buildings (I really liked that). Ordas mode (save the world) had a good premise, but everyone played it just to earn Vbucks (in-game currency) to buy new skins, completely limiting the mode's capabilities. Concluding the review, I would currently recommend this game to children and young people looking for a less violent shooter, with playful graphics and story.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City traz consigo grandes melhorias ao universo 3D quando comparado ao Grand Theft Auto 3, posso citar os minigames de trabalho, a melhor dirigibilidade dos carros, armas remodeladas, novas animações, gráficos melhores, entre outros. A história é divertida, porém relativamente curta. Não foi um jogo tedioso e a estética dos anos 80 agrada muito, tendo uma grande adição a imersão com as músicas da época. Ademais, a paleta de cores é extremamente agradável e a incapacidade de nadar do protagonista ainda incomoda.

A great game that gave me almost 2 thousand hours over 12 years. Because I never had a good computer, I ended up choosing to play Counter Strike 1.6 over Source or GO. I believe that for the time it was a game with average graphics, OK gameplay and very good competitiveness (so much so that the professional scene remained alive until mid-2012). Good mechanics, without many bugs, active community to this day, with many new maps and full servers. A game that I recommend for anyone who wants to satisfy their nostalgia.

It's not my favorite Grand Theft Auto in any aspect, but I credit all the improvements it brought to the franchise and the genre. I finished the game twice with more than 70%, it was fun and resulted in good hours of play. For me, the biggest improvement in this game compared to others is in the side missions, which are interesting and in some cases, in-depth. Obviously there are several negative points when comparing this game with other Grand Theft Auto's, here I mention the possibility of changing the proportion of the character's body, present in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and the obvious worsening of the main story, which went from something spectacular ( GTA IV) for something silly and in keeping with the "American Dream".

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is one of those classics that transforms the generation it was part of. Despite having played a lot during my childhood, at the time I still didn't have the ability to finish the game. Replaying it now, having done 90% of everything possible I can say, it definitely enters the top 200 best games of all time. The open world is complete and full of things to do, the story is relatively long, with many layers, charismatic characters, hateful villains and criticisms of American society in the 90s. The variety of items, cars and clothes is impressive for the time . Although the gameplay has some dated aspects (such as cars flipping over and exploding automatically), my experience in 2023 was extremely satisfactory, with the exception of some bugs that caused failed missions, which were really annoying. Furthermore, the Xbox 360 version brings graphical improvements, some mechanical changes and bug removal, I believe it is a better version than the definitive edition.

Shinobi is a simple and linear progression game, common for its year of release and the limitations of the time. Its story is simple, you control a ninja who receives orders to eliminate the bosses of 5 regions and their henchmen, clearly inspired by some Hollywood works. The organization of the levels remains the same until the end, with 5 different "regions", with 3 levels facing enemies and challenging scenarios and a Boss phase, totaling 15 scenario levels and 5 Boss levels. At this point I highlight the slight bonuses, they occur at the end of each scenario level (with the exception of the level before the Boss) and innovate by changing the perspective to the first person. These levels are essential to progress more smoothly, as depending on your performance, special powers are available. All enemies have individualities, be it mechanics such as attack and defense or weak points, which the player must be aware of to progress in the story. Shinobi is a short game, lasting 30 to 40 minutes, but due to its difficulty and the absence of save points, this time should be increased to somewhere around 4 to 8 hours, depending on your memorization capacity and persistence. Finishing the Review, I recommend the game to everyone, as it is a great arcade and Master System classic, innovating the 8-bit generation both in graphics and mechanics, being easily confused with a game from the beginning of the 16-bit era.