I was very hyped for this game when it came out. I played a lot at first, pretty much all of the first half. It's really good for that. Once you get past that, however, it goes downhill a bit. It would seem they didn't have the time to finish the game and it kinda suffers from it. I still really enjoyed it, but I'm not sure how likely I am to go back to it aside from eventually playing the DLC.

I love pressing buttons! I love vocal tracks! I love STRIVING!!!!

Crazy how loot boxes ended up being better than a battle pass...

This game was huge when it came out. Sunk a lot of time into it from beta -> Sigma's release. Shame you can't play it anymore.

I got super into Gundam in 2020. This game was real fun and was a cool way to see more characters from the spinoff materials. Lots to do, but at a certain point it turns to noise.

This game in a voice chat was a fun time. I'm giving it more grace than other games by this dev by virtue of having a skip button.

I like the artstyle and the music is goooooooood!

This game is nowhere near perfect. But I greatly enjoyed my time with it. I'm still actively playing it after two years of it being the current game. I've traveled to a state I've never been to in order to play it competitively with people I've only talked to online. There are parts of this game that gave me a sense of wonder that I've been getting from this series ever since I was a kid. I hope that Game Freak can take what worked well with this game and refine it into something even better.

The gold standard for fan mods. I've met so many people that I call friends from this stupid mod for a stupid Wii game.

Started this game so many times over the years, finally got to it when the Pixel Remasters came out. Very glad I finished it, it is certainly one of the greatest games of all time.

Working on base game 100% completion. I have sunk so much time into this game over the past few months.

Local Earthbound Fan Excited To Play It For The First Time. Jokes aside, that was me when this got released on Wii U VC ways back. Game was something special and after a certain point, it put me into a zen state. I don't know when I'll revisit it, but I did greatly enjoy my time with this game.

Played w a group of friends for a couple weeks, didn't do absolutely everything but beat the boss that unlocks hard mode. I absolutely would've loved this game in the days before Minecraft came to 360. Such a good game.

The game I have the earliest memories of. Still a fun time for some simple Mario.

My favorite anecdote about this game is I rented it so much from my local video store that they told me if I rented it one more time without returning it, they wouldn't let me rent it ever again.