
The first 12 are the games that I have activated Streetpass on, right now, on my 3ds.
The others are some that I had used their Streetpass functionality on the past.

All hail Netpass
Someday I'll run into someone that played Stella Glow

What is better than 1 locked yokai? Yes, TWO (2) yokai locked behind streetpass. And you can't go for the 2 at the same time. At least this game has the equivalent of master balls
Sending Guild Quests is the reason you would want to use streetpass
Imagine if pokemon locked one monster behind streetpass. And it's extremely rare even if you actually get people that played this.
Still, it's a cool feature that allows to befriend the yokai of the people you pass by, and you can soft reset if you don't get them
AI boss battles that reward useless rupees.
Kinda cool
You can record actions in an arena then go against other player's recorded sequences
Cool feature that gets expanded in Fates. You can fight other teams and recruit units
If it wasn't for netpass I would never found another player
...and all you get is random items lmao
It seems it's only guild cards unlike 4, so I deactivated it
Time gated content/items that you can speed up the more people you pass yay
Like ykw 2 except it's more painful because you can't soft reset to try to befriend that damn snake
Allows you to fuse everyone without limits (except that you can only have 1 streetpass fused character)
Streetsmash sucks honestly
Monster manor best game
Out of everything they could have done... they settled on getting points that you could get during normal gameplay
Prob my favorite use of Streetpass
Now that online is dead it's the only way of interacting, visiting, creating bond units and learning extra skills like you could before.
Instead of figurines, you collect cards
I'm like 200 away from the 999 reward


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