Didn't spend much time with this game, and I personally believed the fucked it out the gate by releasing it so close to Cyber Slueth. But even still it's just outdated feeling

This is the most addicting Persona/SMT like I've played by far and YES I'm a huge Digimon mark who asked you?

I only spent a few hours with this game to win a run, I unlocked about half the unlockables, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an absolute blast. I could barely put it down, such an interesting fusion of rts and roguelike with simple but satisfying mechanics. Highly recommend.

Yo that game is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaal good. I Ace timed all the levels and was not dissapointed.

Yo that's a good ass beat em up, left me wanting morrreeee

These games are almost awesome, they just always feel so unpolished I can't get hooked in.

This game has so me so incredibly conflicted, which is NOT GOOD considering the production values on display, one of the biggest positives is most certainly the visuals which are awesome to behold. I guess I liked the game enough, I did finish it while doing some side content. My playtime added up to 27 total hours there abouts, and yet most of it has kind of blurred together in my mind.

I spent a lot of my playtime completely checked out of the story, and despite that I still think the banter between the two main characters is fun. I didn't read a single collectibe or any sidequest dialogue, but the world and atmosphere made me feel like I was playing something unique, something that a lot of very talented people poured a lot of their lives into crafting.

The combat is a total mixed bag and lead me to using on two of the 4ish weapons throughout the whole game, a lot of tough enemies are easily trivialied with consumable talismans even on hard, and it mostly feels satifying through damage feedback and the stellar dual sense controller.

I have a feeling if this game had been given a more extensive marketing campaign it would have been picked up an adored by all the pyschos who still cling to the descrated corpses of Assasin's Creed and Far Cry, but without that most critics and players probably went in expecting a follow up to Evil Within 2 and got somehing very different, but also very middling.

I don't regret purchasing this game, but I also can't really recommend it unless walking around Haunted Shibuya is a concept that gets you well horny.

Yo heck this game, glad they get better.

Maybe the elden friends was the ring we made along the way.

A great game, big improvement in most ways over the first. TERRIBLE upgrade system with ridiculous costs that serves no purpose. Whack unbalanced difficulty options. Very second act ish feeling story. If you have a PS5 I do recommend.

This game was very ok, it is definitely better than the sum of its parts as the saying goes. Nothing individually was exceptional, and I had put this game down before because the beginning and some of the activities are such a drag, especially the bandit camps and robot dungeons. But ultimately I did enjoy it.