The weakest part of this game is definitely the start for me, but by the mid point I was completely hooked. Tight and incredible boss fights from that point on, and much deeper and more interesting narrative than I was expecting. Actually like this a lot more than Bloodbourne, wish it was a bit polished in a few more areas, but can't overstate how much fun I had.


Maybe the elden friends was the ring we made along the way.

I only spent a few hours with this game to win a run, I unlocked about half the unlockables, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an absolute blast. I could barely put it down, such an interesting fusion of rts and roguelike with simple but satisfying mechanics. Highly recommend.

I think this game is a fine MH like, Rise really didn't grab both because of it being on the switch and it because all the new movement systems just add nothing for me in a game where I'm usually standing still swinging a big bonky weapon. In contrast all of the mechanics in Wild Hearts make me feel like more of enviormental master. On top of that giving a reason to actually explore the well crafted maps makes building on to them feel like a good use of time. It's not perfect, it's not as good as MHWorld is now, but it's definitely as good or better than World was at launch. If you don't at least try MH alternatives we will quickly end up back in a sitation where there is only MH and it becomes lazy.

All of the problems I had with the game are squashed by how much I loved the story and all the fun collectibles. Can't wait for dlc!

These games are almost awesome, they just always feel so unpolished I can't get hooked in.

Was poised to give this game an 8 after 10 hours of play, but completing it around 50 hours it feels like another unfinished game. There's not enough to do and everything is starkly underwritten, with conversations being boring and forgettable through at least half the story. But the main thing that drove my personal rating down was the ending, both narratively and in terms of missions design it's just a bad time all around. And what the game seems to expect of you in terms of NG+? What is the point ! It's not like you can play even 2 drastically different runs.

I may go back to this game in some far flung future where massive dlc updates have added a lot, but I have 0 interest in playing anymore right now.

Still way better than Fallout 4!

Terrible game feel. Didn't really play past the first boss.

I forgot to log this at the time, but really liked it. Kinda wanna go back and get all the footage becuase the production quality is so interesting. A lot of love and care brought this to life.

The most emotional a Japanese game has made me since Silent Hill 3.

Yeah I think I've played enough of this. Not bad but im not gonna play anymore right now.

Yo that game is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaal good. I Ace timed all the levels and was not dissapointed.