Yeah it's alright innit
I like the bird

Probably the most boring game I've played in a while, would likely be improved if every mission was 1/4th as long.

I curse the past version of myself who blew up on this game's unbearable jank in the first hour - because that guy was wrong. I struggled to understand exactly how the combat worked at first but after some practice it became incredibly fun and engaging. Though it is not without fault I had a blast and couldn't put the game down hardly all weekend, beating it on the hardest difficulty and getting most of the trophies. Though this game has a flavor of Dead Space in the skin I think the distinct gameplay differences make me want a sequel to this more than that overpriced remake. The Callisto Protocol is a SOLID ++ sci fi survival horror that I will happily return to once they add New Game + in February.

If I hadn't played it myself I wouldn't believe it was real.

This game is fine +, i would have preferred it if the difficulty didn't scale so intensely as some enemies are just too annoying to deal with, but I struggle to find many flaws beyond that. This game is tight, fun unlocks, rewarding combat, and doesn't overstay it's welcome.

Fuck ya'll, it's good, maybe get off Reddit for 5 seconds to do the Sojourn Shuffle.

I think Spiders is on the same track as Deck13 : Slowly honing their craft and learning their limits as a studio, but most importantly, doing their best. This game is a sometimes flawed but interested effort on a Bloodbourne esque game with a totally unique, if at times comical, ClockpunkFrenchBot setting. I can't believed I played it all, and at times even enjoyed it. Teetering between a 6 and a 7 on this one, if it were slightly more budget priced I would probably say 7.

Finished the new early access build in one shot which now contains a fourth area and a bunch of new items so I'm confident now in saying that this game is really good. This genre of isometric baby character action rogue likes is quickly becoming a favorite of mine and this game serves as a perfect answer to Hades with it's four player co op. Many elements don't reach Hades' excellence but it is still early access and what they currently have on the table is more than good enough.

This is probably what a truly average game looks like : combat is very very fun, and drags along an incredibly barebones game. It's gotta be one of the only games I seriously don't think is worth 70 bucks as there is just so little here. If you're in the mood to mash and slash maybe give it a look when its on sale. Beat on HARD - was not HARD.

This is a very very nice looking game, and if I had more free time I would probably power through it, but unfortunately I do not. After 1 hour I could not stop getting hit by the basic enemies who have seemingly no or inconsistent hit stun, and mastered the parry by tappin my toe in time not with the visual cues, which are not nearly clear enough when the characters are so small on the screen. If Blasphemous is your favorite game this is at least worth a try, and maybe I'll buy a poster or osmething down the line.

These games are so boring, floaty, and unfunny they're not worth the time it took to print discs.

I'm fighting to love this game, but in the end I think it's just ok. An above average concept that probably should have launched in early acces. About 3 of my 20 hours playing the game were spent working around soft locks or replaying dungeons after a crash. Maybe this will be goty when it's done, but not right now.

I played a lot of this game and while I'm not really a racing game fan I can see that it's really great and really gorgeous. I just don't really know how to evaluate it further