This is like if God of War was on crack, and I’m okay with that.

Also, my thumbs hurt.

Fuck you Neil…

I don’t care about Abby or Joel dying (we all knew Joel was going to die) but the fact that the gameplay DIDN’T CHANGE after 7 years.

It’s literally the same game, oh my fault, we get to go prone now and there’s weapon upgrade stations, oh yeah and dogs now!

I don’t mind the story, I knew what was going to happen, but the gameplay was literally the same.

Look at MGS5’s gameplay compared to MGS4’s. That’s the upgrade I wanted, gameplay is everything, if it ain’t there it ain’t good.


This game made me who I am. Okay, so I was like 6 years old playing this and there were literally NO GAMES that played this good and looked this good.

2001 had OG Halo and GTA3 but regardless on how revolutionary those games were, nothing was like MGS2!

The graphics, the mechanics, the gameplay. Shooting an enemy’s radio so he won’t call reinforcement was the most craziest shit ever.

And the whole story on how Raiden is basically the new Solid Snake and how the Plant is the NEW shadow Moses is genius.

Lots of people hated this game but it has really really aged well.

Thank you Kojima for this masterpiece.

If you want to say “this is the greatest PS2 game of all time” I wouldn’t debate that.

Personally, MGS2 is my goat but this come second.

I still cry at the end. Don’t we all…

Yes, the mechanics are a funky and the main character maybe a meme himself, BUTTTT there was never a game like this in 2010.

This felt like David Fincher’s SE7EN. I never in my life felt so emotionally attached to a game like this one.

My goal was to get Shaun at all cost and I did that. If I had to sacrifice some people or hurt myself then it is what it is.

The twist at the end was cool as well. It may not have aged as well as other narratives but it was soooo goddamn good back then!

The greatest Rockstar game of all time.

Oh yeah, and fuck you Micah.