To form a genuine connection with others.


True beauty is found in strange, icy things.

To reach eternity through deicide.

Wears thin once you work your way out of RPD and its parking garage, but until that point, it's a wonderful crawl through a building that is eating itself from the inside out.

Manages to pull itself out of the modern Musou game bland decline by putting you into a new setting and actually implementing rudimentary blood/gore and dismemberment. It's fun, but still suffers pretty notably from that modern Musou design.

Note: Set your environmental graphics setting to Low or the game will not properly utilize your GPU (and even if you do this, it seems to underutilize it, but it should be very playable.)

Forever chasing suns.

You should believe in yourself more. Ribbiks and Danne do.

For the PC release in the 1.5 + 2.5 collection.

Eternal nostalgia.

Completely and utterly burned out on The Open World Formula, even with the tone this has. Great freerunning system, too bad the gameplay loop wants you to stop regularly to loot/lockpick boxes on rooftops and balconies so often. Also has great lighting. Probably more appealing before the gross saturation of the open world formula happened.

Also native linux version is broken lol. Run it through Proton.

This is a very unstable port, even with the fix mod applied, in my experience. I had multiple crashes with no warning in ~6 hours of playtime and it's enough to demotivate me from pursuing it any further.

societal collapse will be traced back to the new york times acquisition of this game.

Deck Nine's philosophy with game mechanics is, "change the rules as needed for whatever you're trying to do". It's fine, because it's not a game about having consistent emotion-reading mechanics. It's a game about things like understanding your own emotions, knowing when you're pushing someone else too hard about theirs, and forgiving yourself for things you had no control over.

Made for the indie, chic, nostalgia-seekers that also don't understand the complexity of emotions. Be kind to yourself and other people.

Played on Linux via Proton 6.3