This would be a good game to play with very small children who are bad at video games. I played this with my wife and we liked it for a while until we realised every level was basically the same and there were a lot of them. we ccomplained and said it was shit and then saw we spent less than one pound on it. so it's good really

M orb ID

I started off liking this a lot, towards the end I was ready for it to be over, it scratched a soulsy itch that was quite nice but did also make me go 'I wish I was playing bloodborne'



GOD yes. This is where it's at. I fucking loved it. It was SO good. I love castlevania. It was so good it made me play a bad castlevania game because I just love castlevania that much.



I liked this but I think it might just not be for me! I think it is very good but yeah, just not for me. I put the cheats on after about 3 levels and I got sick of getting knocked castlevania 1 style into bottomless pits and after I turned on mario mode I had a better time with it. I like that it exists I think it's just not my game, I have milk on my lips

More fun than I expected because you could manipulate the game into letting you do what was essentially 5 jumps without touching the ground. Despite being very ugly this was charming and I like that it is inspired by the mascot for a children's hospital :)

This runs so well on switch! I think this is an amazing game gameplay wise. The story is kind of erm um not good? it doesn't seem to be able to decide on who the audience is, there's a lot of this that feels like a child could play it and it's a bit wink wink ha ha jokes for the adults and then you get an extended sequence where you drag a sentient toy elephant to the edge of a cliff while it cries in a cutesy voice and says 'I don't want to die it hurts!' etc. LIke, the gameplay is good enough to make up for the bad plot, but the plot is quite in your face here hahaha. The gameplay IS brilliant though and is probably one of the best couch co-op games there is, you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you play co-op games and skipped out on this. The first few chapters have a lovely sense of progression to them with you moving towards the house and then it kind of just goes, whatever, teleport to this land and it's fine but lost some magic for me. the clock llevel was boring and I ddidn't like it so it was bad, the rest of the levels were good but the first few levels were probably the best one s good game

This is very clearly post-undertale and felt less obnoxious than what I've seen of undertale... I should try that game properly myself one day but anyway. this game is okay! quite charming and made me smile/chuckle then sometimes made me go :| while I played it. mechanically it is not very interesting but it looks cute and is not very long. I was ready for it to end and it made me feel emotions at the end which was a surprise! Back to Mario Chunder

Unsure why the elephant game for children has such an intellectual story. I wasn't really paying attention and then at the end there's like, musings on democracy and you're suppressing a robot uprising? weird just let me shoot peanuts and push boxes around until I solve the puzzles

LOVEFD IT you jump, eventully jump again and then jump AGAIN and explore a map. LOVE IT

Mario Wonder manages to make transformations good and fun, which means this is Mario Odyssey except not mid

If you like 2D platformers, get this game! Super tight controls, I found it charming, and although it isn't perfect it takes a lot for a game to make me want to 100% it, and I knew I wanted to do it pretty early on because I was having so much fun. Getting a mombo combo is always satisfying, I found myself getting one when I didn't need to anymore for that screen just because it felt good! That's good game design. this is a 2d platformer with metroidvania elements and I think it does a fucking good job of mixing those things nicely. I actually wanted to backtrack! Fuck you ori