Most of the stars here are for the unique setting and subject matter, it's just really very cool to play a game set in ancient India based around Hindu gods. Gameplay is mid!

Gameplay wise this is genuinely quite awful but I think it is perfect for this thing! Feels weird calling it a game because it feels like it isn't one. All 5 stars are for the characters and the crazy story. And the music. The music is reallly good. Good game can't recommend it

The dungeons are good for the most part but basically everything in between is fucking boring and the world is boring and dark and gloomy. Got this to play a Zelda like and I realise now that the setting and characters and music actually makes up a lot of what makes Zelda so good. I had like an hour left of this game but wasn't having fun anymore so binned it lol


You play as a cat which is great. other than that it is mid af

very obtuse puzzles that fucked me off quite a bit tbh! some of the puzzles are neat, but not quite neat enough to make up for the bullshit :)

Fucking great. A truly poinpy time, you never stop poinping and when you poinp yourself you can just get straight back into poinping. When you get into the rhythm of getting combos and building up your gourmet level and working out the ways in which the different world elements work together this game makes you feel like a fruity smoothie making colourful god. It's compulsive and addictive but having an end means that this is not a game that should be banned for being unhealthy and dangerous, although last night I was poinping all night. I was poinping in my dreams. 👀

No idea when I finished this. The first story is the strongest, and the rest of them range from fine to great. I think that it can be a little obtuse sometimes with what you need to do and where you specifically need to click but as an interactive short horror story THING this game is a banger and I would say play it I reckon

Not sure when I finished this! I don't have much to say, as a game I think this is quite boring but as a narrative experience I found this very engaging. I played the game on hard difficulty and found it dull until the thing happens, then it got dull again after a while. I whacked it on the easiest difficulty and just sprinted through every encounter and had a blast. The story definitely has problems but I had an awesome time playing it and I will not forget it, I've never felt this way when playing a video game and that makes me excited! Abby is awesome

Lots of great puzzles and again, lots of quite shit ones! Luckily there are loads of hint coins so most the bullshit ones you can just use the hints. There's a some good quality of life improvements in this one, but they may have been present in games 2 and 3 - I haven't played them. I'm probably going to watch the epic Layton film now that I've played this and then go back to the original trilogy. Layton and Luke are really charming :)

I really enjoyed this game, it's good! I think the dungeons are all pretty great, my favourite was the one with the water element that used the hookshot a lot. I did the Ice dungeon as like the second dungeon which I found out after was an insane way to go, I think that brings me to my personal problem with the game...

I think I like being told what to do? Link's Awakening has a flow to it where between the dungeons I was exploring the overworld trying to uncover the secrets and work out what was next, and unlike Link Between Worlds I ENJOYED searching around the whole place over and over. It felt like it funnelled me through the world in a way that made me feel super smart, but was also quite obvious about where the next thing was. A Link Between World's instead is closer to BotW where you can kind of do the game in whatever order you want. This is cool I guess? It's just not what I want out of a Zelda game I don't think.. I really like going through each dungeon and getting an item that is specific for that dungeon, which can then help you out in the overworld/other dungeons after. In this game you have access to all of the items pretty much from the get go, you still get some items only in the dungeons but the most important ones you get from the shop and I just remembered that I never got the pegasus boots? no clue where those were. I have done a whole lot of moaning. I don't particularly like the overworld since it is so similar to ALttP which I played earlier this year, and I wasn't huge on it then. Anyway the dungeons are SO good that they account for my 4.5 star rating. look forward to my BotW review

I've been playing this game on and off for years. I think it's probably the best/most accomplished open world game ever made. I think it has lots of issues that could possibly be sorted out in the sequel tears of the united kingdom.

The vibe? impeccable. The climbing/exploration? perfect. the combat? boring. I just didn't ever want to do it! the enemies get harder, and all you get is more weapons which break? why fucking bother lol. The divine beasts are good fun, I like them but they are all basically the same which is a shame. Hyrule castle more like hyRULE castle because it rules. I like the master sword bit, that's cool. the side quests made me bored and I didn't want to do them, so I didn't.

I think that some of the shrines are awesome, and when you get to an awesome shrine it's cool. unfortunately a lot of them are 'put ball in hole' or 'fight crab robot' and they all look the same and have the same boring music. I know that lots of people think this is like the best game ever but I think it feels like an unfinished prototype of what a new kind of open world game could be. That is awesome, I love that. I think that the second game could be that perfect game if it builds on the right things.

For the first maybe 30 hours of gameplay I was so excited playing this, it felt like a very cool and mysterious world that you could explore. I don't know exactly how to describe how unique this feels in BotW but the climbing mechanic and focus on exploration is an incredible starting point. Unfortunately for me too often I was exploring, going 'oh shit what's gonna be in here? This looks cool' and then it is a chest, a korok or a shrine. after that had happened a certain amount of time I became less interested and the world felt less magical. There ARE magical moments still, but not enough to make me want to search every little nook (and cranny) in the world and discover the secrets.

There was a point when I thought this was probably the best game ever made, but the more time I spent with it it didn't feel quite so special any more. I think I will still come back to it over the years when I want to run around and climb up and jump and explore and that. I wonder if I would like this game more if it wasn't a Zelda game. I think what it does with the zelda world(?) mythos (?) merchandise (?) is lovely. the music is incredible but doesn't always feel like zelda. If every few years they make a propa freedee zelder gayme like back in my day then that's fine, I won't have a problem. If zelda is just like this forever now? uh oh please don't do that. review over than k you and goodbye

thought I'd written a review of this. no clue what happened, was creepy and weird and good fun. I'd play it again. good one

I think my star rating for this is probably quite generous considering I had to force myself to play this. I really liked it but I don't know if it was just a little too long for me? It felt great to have this world to go back to every now and then but because I took so many breaks it meant that I'd forget what everyone's regular drinks were when that kind of situation came up and I felt quite disconnected from the story since it takes place on a day to day basis. However the story is quirky and lovely and isn't cringe! It's got memorable characters who are likeable and some that are just awful, giving them the wrong drinks is fun!!!! I think Jill is lovely, and I also enjoyed the relationship between her Gil and Boss. It just felt like hanging out with these people and when 'big' things happen it feels natural and good. I'm glad I played this :)


I'd been wanting a platformer inspired by 3D Mario for a while that stuck with the whole, big level with multiple goals that most 3D Mario games do. This is the one that nailed it! It is clearly an indie game so has it's issues but the movement system is NICE and the levels are NICE. I enjoyed it so much that I considered 100%ing the game but I DIDNT. I'd really like it if more of this type of platformer got made that was also as good as/better than this :)

I think that the movement system in this game is very well done, the way that you have to think about what moves you will want to do and change the order in which you press the buttons is just great! Unfortunately I found the level design quite lacking and the look of the game far too samey to keep me interested, I've been playing this on and off for most of this year because i kept dropping off!

I'm glad I finished it and I don't think I regret playing it, but if I had never played it I don't think I'd be missing out. I'm disappointed I didn't get to play the standalone expansion Neon whatever it's called before buying the full game because that looks better and is cheaper lol