I find myself coming back to The Coin Game every now and then to relax and unwind, scoring some fictional tickets. The games are actually fair, so it's a lot of fun to try and get good at them, or at least go for high scores. An enjoyable romp, and leaves me waiting for every update.

Pony Island is Daniel Mullins' best game. Inscryption is incredibly solid all around, but there's something special about Pony Island to me. If you've enjoyed any of his other games, please check this one out.

This game is great with friends where you can goof off and die a ton. Recommended for the hilarity it can create.

Oh boy, Arknights. The game where I think I drive my friends mad by talking about its music too much. Before I get into gameplay, the soundtrack--both in and out of game--is one of the best I've heard in a videogame. With a huge range of styles, Arknights has literally hundreds of amazing songs I listen to frequently.
It is a very fun tower defense, with pretty generous f2p mechanics for a gacha game. It is a gacha game, however, so I can't fully recommend it, but if you are okay with those kind of games check this one out.

Terraria is best played with friends. If you can get someone who's played the game before and can help make sure you beat the final boss, play it with them immediately. It is such a fun time spending the ~50 hours with some pals making the world feel like yours, really getting to know it, before killing god and making the best equipment. I also recommend playing with mods, such as Calamity, as they can extend your playtime dramatically, while offering new challenges.

Portal 2, for me, is carried by its speedrun and challenge mode mechanics. While the base game is incredibly solid, as many will tell you, going for PBs in test chambers, mastering the bunny hop, and tying least portal records is what made this game truly one of my favorites of all time.

I am Color Splash's number one defender. This game is so much better than people give it credit for, and if you held off of playing due to it being similar to Sticker Star, you should really give it a shot. The story is fun, and even though the battle mechanics are a sore spot, it's still a great time exploring the wonderfully colorful world.

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is a sleeper hit, if you liked Mario Odyssey for it's simple yet deep mechanics and the developers knowing exactly what you have to work with and putting secrets in exactly those places you try and get to, you'll love this game. I'm not done with the game--I've beaten three worlds--but I already know this is a five star game.

I did a boost on a slope so the car was at an angle so that it counts as on the ground so I could do a mid-air backflip using the coyote time into a second mid-air backflip to make it up a ledge, and I thought that was intended. (It's not, unfortunately, you learn how to do it later...) That's the kind of developers we're dealing with here, though. The goats.

I Was a Teenage Exocolonist was a surprise. I've heard lots about it on social media, but when I went to play I found myself entranced by the incredible characters and branching story. The deck building is a part of the game I wouldn't want to see go, but the story is where this game is perfected.

Ghost Trick was such a surprise, even when I heard how incredible the game is from friends. Its story is such a stand out that I would never want to put the game down, I needed to see what came next.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I have spent one hundred hours exploring the world and completing quests, and will still look back fondly on my time with this game. The story and cast of characters make this game shine, and I implore any Xenoblade fan who hasn't tried this yet to give it a shot.