This game is the definition of "better with friends," on its own its a 1 star game, but the mix of fear and humour that happens when you get three buddies together to go dumpster diving saves it.

Endless mode and 3 characters for the base game, not a must buy unless you mained Shiva/Max in the old games, or wanna play Estelle

A perfect love letter to the original trilogy, that has enough of its own flair to stand along side them. A few of the bosses can be annoying when they use attacks that knock you down repeatedly, but that doesn't last

A perfect love letter to the original trilogy, that has enough of its own flair to stand along side them. A few of the bosses can be annoying when they use attacks that knock you down repeatedly, but that doesn't last

This DLC is weird. I love this game but i've never been able to get into it; i think its the switch up of the powers? It feels harder, but not in a good way. Plus the levels are significantly less open, and you don't have rat summon anymore :(

Glorified arcade mode thats completely unnecessary and annoyingly difficult; only get it if you want the achievements, and have fun with that

not as good as the first. Still fantastic but not as good. Performance is sluggish, the story is a retread of the original, it plays/looks better but the levels dont feel as expansive or engaging, and they didn't get Billy Lush back as the Outsider :(
Stephen Russel as Corvo is cool tho

fucking love this game, looks great even now, has a great and engaging stealth/combat system and your choices ACTUALLY matter

imagine making one of the best 2D shoot 'em ups of all time, and then coming out with a third more content for it thats somehow even better

one of like 3 games i've 100%, plays fantastically and the fact that EVERY SINGLE ASSET IN THE GAME IS PHYSICALLY HAND MADE is astonishing.

amazing but portal 2 make it look outdated

The best puzzle game of all time, amazing writing enviroments and design


This game is so much fun and the world is really cool but progressing characters stories takes forever and you have to grind the resources for it; plus each run takes like 30 mins so i can only really do 1-2 a session

This game is the epitomy of the phrase "rule of cool", every single mechanic in this game is designed to push you to have as much fun as possible, and even though it's not 100% complete it is a masterpiece.