ADV OU has made university so much bearable, thanks Pokémon Showdown, thanks lead Zapdos and thanks Jimothy Cool

Kinda mixed with this game. On one hand, I like how they represent Shimane, its a love letter to their culture, landscapes and history. I also adore the different endings you can get, i'll admit that the way of getting them is not very intuitive, but they are all so unique and wacky that i'm able to forgive that mistake. But on the other hand, the pacing of the story is slow and tedious and the protagonist might be the worst one I've ever seen in a V.N. He is genuinelly a bad person and throughout the story you'll see him bully some people in order to get what he wants, be extremelly agressive and even fatphobic towards others. I'd understand this type of behaviour if he was supposed to be the bad guy, but not at all, you have to believe that this indecent human being is a good person and deserves to be loved and praised.
In short, this game is decent, but it has some major problems. If you can look past them, you can find a great game, but for me it can't get more than 3 stars.

Fun card game with fun mechanics and designs. The Heroes aesthetic is very cool and the split between plants and zombies is a great concept. I'd like to give this game a better rating, but I can't deny how grindy it can be and the fact that it gets zero support from EA.

I'm sure I would have been obsessed with this game if I was a kid in the 80s/90s, but even today it has something special that most 2D platformers don't have. Oh, and it also has the best soundtrack in the entire industry, no idea why David Wise decided that a game about two monkeys would be the pinnacle of music, but I'm grateful.

Que pena que se olvidasen de hacer una historia, porque tiene el mejor sistema de combate que he visto en un RPG y es el único juego de la historia que tiene a Idun SMT

Después de la decepción que me llevé con la primera entrega de la trilogía Go, iba con las expectativas bajas, esperándome más de lo mismo en este título. Nada más lejos de la realidad, Chrono Stones es la mejor saga de todo Go y una de las mejores de Inazuma en general. La historia, si bien puede pecar de alocada, es muy disfrutable, pues recuerda algo a lo visto en Inazuma Eleven 2 pero mucho más a lo grande, con varios períodos históricos y lugares, pero lo que supone la guinda del pastel de su narrativa son sus personajes. Zanark, Fei y sobre todo Goldie son tres de los mejores que nos ha dado la franquicia, y el resto de los secundarios cumplen con creces.
Respecto al gameplay, es el más complejo de todos, con opciones nuevas (Miximax, Armaduras), más supertécnicas, tanto nuevas como un buen puñado de ellas que regresan y lo ya visto juegos anteriores. Si bien todo esto puede echar atrás de primeras, una vez dominado se convierte en el Inazuma más disfrutable jugablemente hablando, siendo su único problema la lentitud en lo que a animaciones se refiere.
En definitiva, un muy digno título de 3DS que se queda MUY cerca de alcanzar a las genialidades que son Inazuma 2 y 3.

One of the best party games I've ever played. The characters, the cards, the stages, the voices... Everything is cute and charming, and the gameplay, while being obviously luck based, has a bit of strategy too. As a Marc/Seagull main, this game always make me laugh with friends. On single player though... yeah, it kinda sucks but who even plays party games alone?

A fun game, but far from excelence. The bosses weren't as memorable as I thought they would be and the soundtrack doesn't "rock", specially compared to other entries in the series, but nothing else it does is inherently bad, just ok or mediocre.

Un desastre. Es una pena que un juego con un estilo tan atractivo y una banda sonora tan alucinante esté tan desestructurado. 8 historias inconexas de 8 personajes mediocres, sin interacciones entre ellos, en un mundo lleno de grindeo. Por romper una lanza a su favor, el sistema de combate es interesante, pero no hace que el juego merezca la pena. Recomiendo mil veces antes a la saga Bravely.