Incredible game, satisfying gameplay loop. The world is incredible and the presentation is amazing. Could spend hours just looking at the vistas and areas of the main map. Story is emotional and moving. Completed main story in 36 hours and moving onto the expansion Iki island and going for the platinum trophy.

Enjoyable but typical bethesda game. Hoping for more advancment in the next game by this studio.

Fantastic action game, great combat and enjoyable story. Replayed on PS5 and got the platinum trophy

A gripping and emotional story which get very dark in places. Never played when it first released but played the remaster they released recently. Stunning graphics and incredible story.

Great visuals but was very bloated with content for the sake of it. Wasnt a fan of the setting myself and voice acting just sounded off for the main characters. Played around 40 hours but couldnt bring myself to complete.

Gameplay and exploration much better then Zero Dawn however the originals mystery isnt as impactful in the sequel however it was very interesting and is most certainly worth a playthrough. Visuals are stunning too

Kind of forumalic RPG open world tropes but the incredible story and mystery made it a whole different experience. Uncovering what happened made it a great game i couldnt put down.

I remember waiting to get this game on Christmas in 2008. Great world and my first proper RPG i played. Great characters and story. DLC is phenomenal.
Visuals and gameplay is very dated now and almost needs mods to be playable

Probably my favourite game of all time. The hype leading up to released and at the time gameplay and visuals were excellent. The story and way side quests were handled made the game compelling to play. One of the only single player games ive played through twice and planning to again on the next gen upgrade edition.

Way better gameplay then the first game and enances the story and universe. I am a bi Sci-Fi fan so the lore and worlds grip me.

Fantasically written, gameplay a bit dated but the story and universe this game created is well worth a play, especially if you get the legendary edition with refined controls and visuals.

Very relaxing and enjoyable playing the multiplayer mod with friends. Modding scene also fantastic and brilliant community surrounding the game with VTC and Radio stations based around the game,

Hours and hours of fun had on the Xbox 360 cruising round the massive map and collecting all the cars. An iconic game of the 360 generation. Got me into racing games