I figured out the game's formula and immediately lost interest in playing it.

Did not have a fun time playing this.

Very interesting aesthetic, but I couldn't figure out some of the more obtuse puzzles.

Very jank, and not that fun to play.

Interesting game and concept, but I got very bored with it.

The anime was too much for me to handle. Also the hard-limit on how many things I can do in a day really annoyed the fuck out of me. Also, also, the dungeon design is not good and I did not see a single one I enjoyed playing through. For reference, I made it to October, so I was like 30 hours in when I gave up. I think I gave it more than enough of a shot.

Never ever managed to complete this. I always tried and then just fell off at some point.

So fucking hard man, I could not finish it.

I didn't make it very far with this one. It was just overwhelmingly large and I was not having fun with going through it.

It's fun but I'm not a multiplayer guy.

So much fun and interesting to see a different aspect of the Pokemon universe, but I hit a brick wall that I could not overcome and had to abandon this.

Dad of Boi. It's just fucking good. Everyone knows this already.