I'm gonna be honest, this was way too hard for me to enjoy. I played 8 hours, got to Junktown, and I was just unable to keep up with the difficulty level of the game. Even the fishing gets way harder, with my fishing pole unable to even reel in the fish I catch - and I got the pole from the Collector as well, so I thought it was special and powerful. It also doesn't help that the overall movement speed of the characters is really fucking slow, so you have to slowly trek through every dungeon room, slowly trek across the world map every time you get killed - slowly trekking everywhere. If there was like a sprint button, at least, that would have alleviated the issue somewhat, but it still wouldn't have been enough to keep me going with this one.

Yeah no, this is not for me. Couldn't stand the narrator and the combat is really clunky, despite the illusion of smoothness. Don't think I'll ever come back to this.

Interesting idea, but the execution is lacking. The writing is not good, which is needed in a game like this where gameplay is basically non-existent. Finished the first case and I'm honestly never going back.

Equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking. Why is the saddest ending also the best ending?

Surprisingly fun, if way too brutal Souls/Zelda-like.
You only get 2 heart upgrades in the ENTIRE game, and the upgrades are so minimal that you might kill first-level enemies with 2 slashes instead of 3 by the time you're maxed out.
Nevertheless, I had a really good time with it. The combat is fluid and fun. The world is heaps of fun to explore, with shortcut porn galore for anyone who loves that aspect of the Soul's games. And, the story is decent, with some funny characters and a tongue-in-cheek charm.

Actually had a lot of fun with this. It just oozes charm and the gameplay is just fun and responsive.
I've never even played the games it's a homage to - like Banjo Kazooie and Mario Galaxy - but maybe I should check those out sometime? I can definitely see the appeal of the genre.

The fool was me for trying out a game simply because it says it's a horror game.

Interesting art style and premise, but the gameplay is way too janky, unresponsive and doesn't feel good.
Dodging and attacking aren't responsive or smooth enough for this type of game. The game world has weird edges and pieces don't fit together properly so you're sometimes unsure of what exactly you're looking at and what path you can take. The same holds true of large enemies, where you can literally stand inside their model and be safe from getting hit, but then be hit by the back of their claw or something and take damage. Having to hold UP to grab ledges while platforming feels bad man. Finally, having to reload a save upon death in a Dark Soul's-like is a cardinal sin against humanity.
I was gonna shelve it for maybe a return later on, but I don't think I'll pick it up again. Which is a shame because I actually liked the world that was presented and the multiple ongoing quests and levelling system.

Where is the accessibility option to skip Abby's half of the game?


Honestly, I fucked around with this for like 2 or 3 hours and I just wasn't feeling it. The aesthetic is there and the world seems interesting enough, but I just never felt any compulsion or drive to keep going with this.
I'm shelving it for now, might pick it up at a later time.

It's very clunky and combat feels unresponsive and sluggish, but I was intrigued enough by the premise to see it through to the end. Thankfully it's short.

I don't even know what to say about this. It's just an absolutely amazing game. A perfect mix of old-school RE gameplay and Silent Hill's nightmarish story-telling and ethos, fused with the gorgeous pixel art/anime aesthetic. My survival horror boner was thoroughly quenched and satisfied by the end.
I got the "Memory" ending, which is apparently the "Resident Evil veteran's" ending according to one article I looked up to try and explain the ending. I don't know if I'll ever try and get the others, but at least I have other playstyles to try out in future - whenever I inevitably revisit this game.

I'm a damn scrub and this game is hella hard. Shelved, for now, might pick it up at a later time.

Probably my favourite Yakuza game I've played so far in the series. The story and performances are up there with the best in the series (Yakuza 0, looking at you), but what ekes it out for me is the slick presentation, style and how fun all of the side content and mini-games are.

Seems pretty good so far. It's pretty much the same game as the first. The presentation is a little different (being a "road trip" now instead of a dungeon crawl), but the actual gameplay is not changed significantly.
Shelved for now, might pick it up again once it gets a full release.