Backloggd's Hall of Shame

We all probably have plenty of things to say about some of our most beloved games of all time, ones that we have loved ever since we first got the chance to play them, and ones that we will probably cherish till the day we die. However, we also probably have quite a few games that we consider to be our least favorite, games that will make your blood boil just from even thinking about them, games that do everything in their power to piss you off and make you regret ever having played them in the first place. So now.... let's talk about them.

Post down in the comments below what your least favorite game, or games, of all time are, or just games that anger or disappoint you greatly in general, and why they manage to anger or disappoint you more then any other game out there has managed to before, and I will add it to the list here. If you want to, you can even add a link to a review that you have done of this game/games, just in case you want a way to further explain your position on why you hate it so much.


"Without a doubt Sonic 4 Ep 1. The music is shit, The level design is shit, the bosses are shit, the graphics are shit.. it's so fucking lifeless and boring. It gives me physical pain to even think about it. If I had to pick between being killed via firing squad, or playing it for another second, I would pick the firing squad the second they uttered the word 'Sonic 4'"

"i think i tout danganronpa: ultra despair girls as my least favorite game of all time, i think? i've been playing a bunch of rom hacks of shitty rpgs from the early 2000s, but i don't think any game managed to make me as upset as udg. it's a pretty beautiful game, compared to some of the shlop listed here. it's got a pretty decent gamefeel, modeling itself after resident evil. it's dialogue isn't even awful ALL the time. however, the moments where the writing in this game is bad, it turns really, really, really godawful. it feels like every opportunity to do something annoying or disgusting is taken, and the supposedly humorous turns utterly vile. this sucks, because since this is a danganronpa game, it follows that the story must have a lot of dialogue, and build off of the far better danganronpa games of the past and future. this makes udg to make some utterly insane additions to the lore, while hardly having any merit when played outside of danganronpa's larger narrative. i think udg's writing incompetence comes full force in the games third chapter, in which danganronpa, a series famous for it's aggressive "fanservice", must dwell on a character's whose sexual abuse is their motivator for being evil.

udg isn't without praise, for example, the gameplay is a third person shooter."

"beyond two souls should be illegal to make or distribute. beyond two souls is why we have bottomless pits. pigs have been known to eat dead bodies, but even they'll refuse to eat beyond two souls. very fucked up that france was allowed to infect the rest of the world with this software and knight the creep who made it, and yet no one declared war on them for some reason"

"Back 4 Blood is what you get when you take the Left 4 Dead games, remove the soul that made them great and prop up the corpse like a dancing puppet. It's the game the showed me the joy of creativity was basically dead."

"First game in the series I played after being interested for years to be greeted by a game that drains your HP as you run. Requires speed challenges in dungeons to open any chests and makes you choose between money or exp after each fight.

It's like an experimental prototype full of things no one had done before. And with good reason, it's a painful mess to play and still makes me angry thinking about it."

"Snatcher, a game that most people seem to like but I absolutely loathe (a list idea in itself).

I know going into this that I’m not already much of a Kojima fan, but I must be taking crazy pills because I do not know why this game is so well regarded and I never will. Even if you aren’t a fan of Kojima’s worst storytelling tendencies, a metal gear solid game will at least have a fun, cool boss fight or a far-out idea to ponder in the middle of one of the hour-long monologues. There’s none of that here. Self-important, long-winded, up-its-own-ass writing as usual, for quasi-action/point and click gameplay that doesn’t work and 'we have blade runner at home.'

From my review: 'Not only does the game’s aesthetic come from its blatant influences, but so does anything the game actually has to say. Ransom says nothing about being human vs a robot that you can’t get better from actual Blade Runner, let alone the worst Philip K. Dick novel, let alone maybe one of the good ones too. There’s nothing about the snatchers’ plot to take over the world as more-evolved versions of mankind that isn’t done better in the terminator series, in the Deus Ex games, in any sci-fi novel that has to do with robots, or fuck, probably in mega man now that I’m really thinking about it. There is barely the skeleton of a noir mystery ruined with a tone that swings back and forth from shocking and grisly to 'Steve from Blue’s Clues asking if you know where in the room the dog is hiding.' All leading up to an extremely relatable and not at all ridiculous main antagonist who decided to wipe out half the world’s population and replace them with robots because that’s what no pussy do to a mf.'"

"I'm gonna go with Dead Rising 3 just because it's a bit of a meme at this point to dunk on Dead Rising 4. I genuinely despise both of them, but if I pull myself back and look at the series as a whole, I think the third game was just the writing on the wall that the series was effectively dead. The general identity of Dead Rising was completely gutted in favor of enhancing some of the worst parts of the 2nd game. The level and mission design was upended in order to copy+paste more zombies everywhere in an attempt to try to sell more Xbox Ones. There's not an ounce of creativity to be found and it runs like doggy dog ass through a sludge colored filter. A terrible protagonist with zero incentive to explore in an exploration game. Watered down mush made for babies, passing through a conveyor belt. It's just another bad zombie game without an identity and the stepping stone to an even more insulting entry that ultimately killed the studio. A studio that was clearly uninterested in even making these games in the first place. (Thanks Capcom.)"

It was REALLY hard for me to decide what is my least favorite video game of all time, what game would've managed to have pissed me off or offended me enough to where I would consider it to be the single-celled-organism of all games. So, for now, I will just go ahead and lightly rant about a game I really fucking hate, Balan Wonderworld. I will save my full thoughts for when I eventually review the thing (in five years), but it has horrible controls, terrible gameplay, bullshit mechanics, technical issues up the wazoo (for the Switch version anyway), and a general sense that the game exists solely to waste your time and nothing else. As someone who loves the Nights games, it was insulting for me to follow this game closely, get super excited for it to be released, and be given a steaming turd on a silver platter in response. Fuck this game, fuck Yuji Naka, and fuck Balan and his dumbass face.

"On one hand, im kind of grateful to this game for opening my eyes on the rest of the series when it came out, on the other i live off disability and taking that loss on 60 dollars was terrible for a game i thought i was gonna enjoy. Bayonetta 3 is fucking atrocious. It controls terribly, the fighting was boring, the gameplay felt like a series of minigames instead of a proper beat em up. The entire aesthetic: character design, enemies, sets, completely uninspired and repetitive. Worse still is the writing. Bayonetta isnt a game series to be taking itself seriously, its just like action porn. Youre supposed to feel incredibly strong, powerful. All Bayonetta does this whole game is fucking lose. Whyd they give her a daughter. Why did you make me play as her daughter- an absolutely embarassing character- instead of oh i dunno, the person who the series is named after? Why, oh why, did they have the plot set up like an mcu movie? Oh wait, i know, its cause they wanted an excuse to popularize bayonetta and shit out more games. Whatd that dude say? He was planning on making 7 or 8 more of them? Whatever- i cant stand people who like the series anymore. Its made by weird perverts for weird perverts and its not really more complicated than that /: fuuckk kamiya, #1 enemy of kamiya. bitch."

"The Uncanny X-Men on NES is the worst video game ever made. When I was a kid my mom would take me to Blockbuster on Fridays and let me pick out one game to rent for the weekend. So one time I decided to go with this game. The cover looked cool, and you could play as multiple different X-Men that each had their own powers! What could go wrong? Spoilers: Absolutely everything. The game was literally unplayable. I couldn’t figure out how to get past the first level. I would get to the end and nothing happened. I was stuck in an infinite loop of shitty graphics and music. So I stopped playing after 15 minutes and didn’t play it again. My whole weekend was ruined because of this godawful game. I am still resentful to this day. Thanks a lot LJN."

"doki doki literature club feels like the youtube thumbnail-ification of an entire genre. visual novels are far from an endless artistic wellspring, but to their credit, when a visual novel leads with "cute girls that are actually fucked up" at least they generally have a little bit more rattling around under the hood. forget all the games that outdid it at is own premise, ddlc ends up being even shallower than the dating simulators it's aping off of because it's content to revel in its smugness in formulating the most obvious ''''suversion'''' of all time"

"I would rather not put another Sonic game on this list, so I think my pick for this is going to be Mogeko Castle.

What a deeply embarrassing game. As a person who likes the "RPGMaker Horror" subgenre of video game, the Funamusea games have always slipped my grasp. I finally play one and it's... nothing. It's nothing at all. That shit goes 007: 0 meaningful pieces of writing, 0 visually striking setpieces, and 7 scenes where Deep Sea Prisoner shows me that she's definitely into rape and incest. Yonaka is just not a character outside of her attraction to her PSYCHO INSANE brother. It doesn't even live up to its reputation as "one of the darkest RPGMaker games ever" because there's no story for it to be dark with! It's just kinda evil shock content. At least not all of the jokes in the game are bad? I played this game to try to get into this person's games, but I realize when typing this that I'm never playing another one them. I can live without the Gray Garden, thanks.

By the way, did you know the person who made these games also recently got caught for embezzling a bunch of funds? Cool fun fact!

I don't think I even hate Mogeko Castle that much but it does deserve to be on a Wall of Shame. This is my atonement for giving it a much higher rating than it deserves."

"I've never felt such hatred for the game as I have for God of War III. I feel like its protagonist is all edge no point, and the combat is far too simplistic while also being unresponsive. You'd think that an action game would have good jumping, and I gave the game the benefit of the doubt thinking it was something on my end only to google it and discover that people have trouble performing double jumps.
The game is far too reliant on QTEs, but in big battles the prompts appear at the perimeter of the screen which means you don't even look at the action, which, honestly, I found to be boring. There's fun in hyper-violence, but Kratos just beats people most of the time.

The game feels like it was made by teenagers, and it would all be ok if not for the scene where Kratos jams a half-naked lady into a switch. You do a little escort as she pleads for her life and I honestly thought a rape scene was going to start. I guess I should be thankful that didn't happen, and yet another benefit of a doubt made me google the character in hopes that she's an old antagonist, only to discover she's a sex slave.

I have never respected a game less."

"Mario Strikers Battle League pisses me off to no end, how they went from the best Mario sports game with Strikers Charged to something so soulless and so devoid of content and fun will never cease to astound me, every time I look at or think of the game it gets so much worse and if you could give negative stars in this site it would already have five of them from me."

"I already think Kanto is remarkably overdone, having a prominent appearance in over half the mainline series as of right now, culminating in Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee, quite honestly the most mindless and empty Pokemon games to date. FireRed and LeafGreen already filled the shoes of being great remakes for the original Red & Blue/Green, so to come back to that nearly 15 years later and remove almost every feature they had built up since then feels genuinely appalling. Not for the sake of some faithful remake, though, since mega evolution was somehow important enough to make the cut, but so they could tie it in with the mobile hit they'd released 2 years prior. I see zero reason to ever come back to these games, not when there are plenty of better ways to experience the Kanto region, some of which came out, again, decades ago."

"Sonic Forces has no semblance of passion put into it and zero attempt to understand what made good sonic games good. Bringing back Classic Sonic purely because Sonic Generations did well, and Classic Sonic was in that game, is a perfect example. Sonic Forces may be a mechanically sound game, but it's so safe that it's insulting, and completely relies on older game systems while putting less effort into them and not innovating at all. Also the writing is so bad it's bad."


29 days ago

Sonic Forces has no semblance of passion put into it and zero attempt to understand what made good sonic games good. Bringing back Classic Sonic purely because Sonic Generations did well, and Classic Sonic was in that game, is a perfect example. Sonic Forces may be a mechanically sound game, but it's so safe that it's insulting, and completely relies on older game systems while putting less effort into them and not innovating at all. Also the writing is so bad it's bad.

29 days ago

Mario Strikers Battle League pisses me off to no end, how they went from the best Mario sports game with Strikers Charged to something so soulless and so devoid of content and fun will never cease to astound me, every time I look at or think of the game it gets so much worse and if you could give negative stars in this site it would already have five of them from me.

29 days ago

Wollom got the Sonic Forces pick already, so I'd like to add the Pokemon Let's Go games.

I already think Kanto is remarkably overdone, having a prominent appearance in over half the mainline series as of right now, culminating in Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee, quite honestly the most mindless and empty Pokemon games to date. FireRed and LeafGreen already filled the shoes of being great remakes for the original Red & Blue/Green, so to come back to that nearly 15 years later and remove almost every feature they had built up since then feels genuinely appalling. Not for the sake of some faithful remake, though, since mega evolution was somehow important enough to make the cut, but so they could tie it in with the mobile hit they'd released 2 years prior. I see zero reason to ever come back to these games, not when there are plenty of better ways to experience the Kanto region, some of which came out, again, decades ago.

29 days ago

Without a doubt Sonic 4 Ep 1. The music is shit, The level design is shit, the bosses are shit, the graphics are shit.. it's so fucking lifeless and boring. It gives me physical pain to even think about it. If I had to pick between being killed via firing squad, or playing it for another second, I would pick the firing squad the second they uttered the word "Sonic 4"

28 days ago

I'm gonna go with Dead Rising 3 just because it's a bit of a meme at this point to dunk on Dead Rising 4. I genuinely despise both of them, but if I pull myself back and look at the series as a whole, I think the third game was just the writing on the wall that the series was effectively dead. The general identity of Dead Rising was completely gutted in favor of enhancing some of the worst parts of the 2nd game. The level and mission design was upended in order to copy+paste more zombies everywhere in an attempt to try to sell more Xbox Ones. There's not an ounce of creativity to be found and it runs like doggy dog ass through a sludge colored filter. A terrible protagonist with zero incentive to explore in an exploration game. Watered down mush made for babies, passing through a conveyor belt. It's just another bad zombie game without an identity and the stepping stone to an even more insulting entry that ultimately killed the studio. A studio that was clearly uninterested in even making these games in the first place. (Thanks Capcom.)

28 days ago

I would rather not put another Sonic game on this list, so I think my pick for this is going to be Mogeko Castle.

What a deeply embarrassing game. As a person who likes the "RPGMaker Horror" subgenre of video game, the Funamusea games have always slipped my grasp. I finally play one and it's... nothing. It's nothing at all. That shit goes 007: 0 meaningful pieces of writing, 0 visually striking setpieces, and 7 scenes where Deep Sea Prisoner shows me that she's definitely into rape and incest. Yonaka is just not a character outside of her attraction to her PSYCHO INSANE brother. It doesn't even live up to its reputation as "one of the darkest RPGMaker games ever" because there's no story for it to be dark with! It's just kinda evil shock content. At least not all of the jokes in the game are bad? I played this game to try to get into this person's games, but I realize when typing this that I'm never playing another one them. I can live without the Gray Garden, thanks.

By the way, did you know the person who made these games also recently got caught for embezzling a bunch of funds? Cool fun fact!

28 days ago

I don't think I even hate Mogeko Castle that much but it does deserve to be on a Wall of Shame. This is my atonement for giving it a much higher rating than it deserves.

28 days ago

Lunar Dragon Song.

First game in the series I played after being interested for years to be greeted by a game that drains your HP as you run. Requires speed challenges in dungeons to open any chests and makes you choose between money or exp after each fight.

It's like an experimental prototype full of things no one had done before. And with good reason, it's a painful mess to play and still makes me angry thinking about it.

28 days ago

On one hand, im kind of grateful to this game for opening my eyes on the rest of the series when it came out, on the other i live off disability and taking that loss on 60 dollars was terrible for a game i thought i was gonna enjoy. Bayonetta 3 is fucking atrocious. It controls terribly, the fighting was boring, the gameplay felt like a series of minigames instead of a proper beat em up. The entire aesthetic: character design, enemies, sets, completely uninspired and repetitive. Worse still is the writing. Bayonetta isnt a game series to be taking itself seriously, its just like action porn. Youre supposed to feel incredibly strong, powerful. All Bayonetta does this whole game is fucking lose. Whyd they give her a daughter. Why did you make me play as her daughter- an absolutely embarassing character- instead of oh i dunno, the person who the series is named after? Why, oh why, did they have the plot set up like an mcu movie? Oh wait, i know, its cause they wanted an excuse to popularize bayonetta and shit out more games. Whatd that dude say? He was planning on making 7 or 8 more of them? Whatever- i cant stand people who like the series anymore. Its made by weird perverts for weird perverts and its not really more complicated than that /: fuuckk kamiya, #1 enemy of kamiya. bitch.

28 days ago

beyond two souls should be illegal to make or distribute. beyond two souls is why we have bottomless pits. pigs have been known to eat dead bodies, but even they'll refuse to eat beyond two souls. very fucked up that france was allowed to infect the rest of the world with this software and knight the creep who made it, and yet no one declared war on them for some reason

28 days ago

doki doki literature club feels like the youtube thumbnail-ification of an entire genre. visual novels are far from an endless artistic wellspring, but to their credit, when a visual novel leads with "cute girls that are actually fucked up" at least they generally have a little bit more rattling around under the hood. forget all the games that outdid it at is own premise, ddlc ends up being even shallower than the dating simulators it's aping off of because it's content to revel in its smugness in formulating the most obvious """"suversion"""" of all time

28 days ago

I've never felt such hatred for the game as I have for God of War III. I feel like its protagonist is all edge no point, and the combat is far too simplistic while also being unresponsive. You'd think that an action game would have good jumping, and I gave the game the benefit of the doubt thinking it was something on my end only to google it and discover that people have trouble performing double jumps.
The game is far too reliant on QTEs, but in big battles the prompts appear at the perimeter of the screen which means you don't even look at the action, which, honestly, I found to be boring. There's fun in hyper-violence, but Kratos just beats people most of the time.

The game feels like it was made by teenagers, and it would all be ok if not for the scene where Kratos jams a half-naked lady into a switch. You do a little escort as she pleads for her life and I honestly thought a rape scene was going to start. I guess I should be thankful that didn't happen, and yet another benefit of a doubt made me google the character in hopes that she's an old antagonist, only to discover she's a sex slave.

I have never respected a game less.

28 days ago

The Uncanny X-Men on NES is the worst video game ever made. When I was a kid my mom would take me to Blockbuster on Fridays and let me pick out one game to rent for the weekend. So one time I decided to go with this game. The cover looked cool, and you could play as multiple different X-Men that each had their own powers! What could go wrong? Spoilers: Absolutely everything. The game was literally unplayable. I couldn’t figure out how to get past the first level. I would get to the end and nothing happened. I was stuck in an infinite loop of shitty graphics and music. So I stopped playing after 15 minutes and didn’t play it again. My whole weekend was ruined because of this godawful game. I am still resentful to this day. Thanks a lot LJN.

28 days ago

Snatcher, a game that most people seem to like but I absolutely loathe (a list idea in itself).

I know going into this that I’m not already much of a Kojima fan, but I must be taking crazy pills because I do not know why this game is so well regarded and I never will. Even if you aren’t a fan of Kojima’s worst storytelling tendencies, a metal gear solid game will at least have a fun, cool boss fight or a far-out idea to ponder in the middle of one of the hour-long monologues. There’s none of that here. Self-important, long-winded, up-its-own-ass writing as usual, for quasi-action/point and click gameplay that doesn’t work and “we have blade runner at home.”

From my review: “Not only does the game’s aesthetic come from its blatant influences, but so does anything the game actually has to say. Ransom says nothing about being human vs a robot that you can’t get better from actual Blade Runner, let alone the worst Philip K. Dick novel, let alone maybe one of the good ones too. There’s nothing about the snatchers’ plot to take over the world as more-evolved versions of mankind that isn’t done better in the terminator series, in the Deus Ex games, in any sci-fi novel that has to do with robots, or fuck, probably in mega man now that I’m really thinking about it. There is barely the skeleton of a noir mystery ruined with a tone that swings back and forth from shocking and grisly to “Steve from Blue’s Clues asking if you know where in the room the dog is hiding.” All leading up to an extremely relatable and not at all ridiculous main antagonist who decided to wipe out half the world’s population and replace them with robots because that’s what no pussy do to a mf.”
i think i tout danganronpa: ultra despair girls as my least favorite game of all time, i think? i've been playing a bunch of rom hacks of shitty rpgs from the early 2000s, but i don't think any game managed to make me as upset as udg. it's a pretty beautiful game, compared to some of the shlop listed here. it's got a pretty decent gamefeel, modeling itself after resident evil. it's dialogue isn't even awful ALL the time. however, the moments where the writing in this game is bad, it turns really, really, really godawful. it feels like every opportunity to do something annoying or disgusting is taken, and the supposedly humorous turns utterly vile. this sucks, because since this is a danganronpa game, it follows that the story must have a lot of dialogue, and build off of the far better danganronpa games of the past and future. this makes udg to make some utterly insane additions to the lore, while hardly having any merit when played outside of danganronpa's larger narrative. i think udg's writing incompetence comes full force in the games third chapter, in which danganronpa, a series famous for it's aggressive "fanservice", must dwell on a character's whose sexual abuse is their motivator for being evil.

udg isn't without praise, for example, the gameplay is a third person shooter.

25 days ago

Back 4 Blood is what you get when you take the Left 4 Dead games, remove the soul that made them great and prop up the corpse like a dancing puppet. It's the game the showed me the joy of creativity was basically dead.

20 days ago

yo whos out here hating on snatcher

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