Katamari Damacy again except the non "grow it to X meters" levels suck less this time! Appreciate them making time trial versions of the levels once you've completed all of them, I definitely was feeling kinda tired of spending 6-15 minutes per level by the end. King lore was cute.

Aside from all the technical aspects, this game feels like a Rune Factory only on the loosest of terms. The great lore potential left by RF4's ending was not filled in the slightest, only vaguely touched upon during the very underwhelming ending and some later relationship quests - which I couldn't reach because asking characters out is a random chance every day instead of a guarantee once you have enough hearts.

Aside from some confusion about where you start on the map and some collisions the game didn't warn me about until I had already crashed, this game is really solid and I had a blast getting through it! Even though your only real environment is the inside of the sub, it really does feel like you're immersed in an alien moon from the atmosphere and the little glimpses you get through the camera. I wish the final scare was as good as some of the other anomalies you get to see, it's a bit lame in comparison.

When I started playing this, I was really surprised that the vibe was closer to RF4 than RFF. I even checked to see if it was a remake thing, but no. I think this is mostly a plus gameplay wise, even if it doesn't have some of the quality of life changes from the later games (I don't mind much except for not being able to take stuff out of the shipping box).

Writing wise, though... it also does the thing where characters have one trait that all of their dialogue revolves around. It's annoying! It's especially bad with Rusk, who literally mentions a vegetable he doesn't like every time I talk to him. Granted, you do get to see actual personality from them when you do their requests, which are pretty nice (and I've felt like it's easier to raise affection without much effort in this game), but still.

The story is almost nonexistent too, but that's not all negative. It's nice to have a shorter farming game for once! And the way they integrated marriage into the main story was nice, even if the pacing was kind of awkward for me specifically because I chose to marry Kuruna. I think it's a very solid game despite all the flaws, and this remake really does it justice.

Pretty simplistic for a platforming game, but the main attractive of this game is the story and the narration, which are on point. The story can get a bit too abstract at times and might be hard to track who did what and ended where towards the late game, but it still manages to make you feel for the characters despite all of them being just rectangles.

Would give 5 stars but they never fixed the glitch where if you go to the next arc (chapter?) without restarting the song from the last stage keeps playing on top of the new one.

Same visual charm as Gingiva, though with a bit more focus on gameplay. Gun is janky and killing peaceful overworld npcs does nothing in a mechanics standpoint. No way to tell if you're supposed to be able to take an enemy or not until you're already in battle.

Pretty fun! The story and worldbuilding are the best aspects, and the gameplay is fine at its worst. A couple platforming sections feel sort of unintended and there's not much to be gained from exploration other than upgrade collectibles, but the boss battles rock and so does the soundtrack.


It's good! Despite how chaotic things get, I didn't feel like the clutter got unfair even when I actually couldn't see anything. The mirror upgrades are a nice way to make progress even when you're not up there skill wise, and the different weapons all feel unique and viable. It gets a bit repetitive toward the endgame, but it's still a nice experience no matter how many runs you go.

My favorite out of the three. People say it being easier is a bad thing but I like the extra accessibility. There's still plenty of unfair traps and cheap deaths to be had, but way more fun moments in between. Even now it feels like this game has almost infinite replayability.

I catch myself going back to it ever so often. The core gameplay is fun, but there's a point where you feel like you've done everything unique to be done and the rest is the same but in another color planet. Of course, the main game loop IS a lot of fun, so I got a ton of enjoyment out of it. The constant updates are nice even if it's nothing that dramatically increases the lifespan of the game.


Fun roguelike with some unique mechanics, but the skill curve is a bit too high for my liking. The mid to late game is a lot of fun, but only if you've lucked out and got a decent enough build in the beginning. Huge amount of secrets and hidden lore, but with too few hints for someone to be able to find them all without a guide.

People say this is a good SMT game to start on but I still had a pretty hard time grasping everything. Fun game for sure!

It's quick and easy to get something done. "Something" might not be functional or pretty but it's something and you made it! Single player has a nice variety of courses to test your creations on, but it lacks a bit of depth.

I see how this might have been fun and innovative when this was the only Rune Factory, but I don't recommend ever touching this game if you want a fun experience.