
"I'm DeceasedCrab. Dangnabbit!!"

DeceasedCrab was an early fixture of the YouTube LPer scene, primarily doing playthroughs of recent indie games and more left-field games on the NES. He is most strongly associated with Cave Story, La-Mulana, and Monster Party.

It's easy to poke fun at DeceasedCrab: his commentary style is intentionally hammy, he's full of silly catchphrases, and he's known for being catty towards viewers and even developers on occasion. Yet I can't deny that he introduced me to a lot of indie games in the late 00s and when so many YouTube personalities seem like they're looking for an angle to get big, I can appreciate someone just plugging away in their own little niche that they care about.

DC's Multiworld Async Hell is an Archipelago Multiworld where 10 "players", playing 10 different games, are unlocking items for themselves and others, all connected.

Not on Backloggd:
Zen Bondage
Hero 3D
I Was in the War
Escape From the Underworld
I Am Level
Checks Finder (DC's Multiworld Async Hell)

*Last Updated 5/11/2024