While I did enjoy my time with most of the game, this is one that has been outdone by so many later games. I respect it for the groundwork it set for the Metroidvania genre but it's got many issues. I hope it gets a remake. It could use it for controls alone.

There's a handful of games that I believe symbolize the perfection of 2D platformers. Metroid Dread, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, and I think Strider 2014 is one of those games. Controlling Strider in this game alone feels so good. Highly recommend.

This is one of the best games ever. The puzzles, the writing, everything is insanely clever. The game teaches the player in correct ways by how it introduces elements of the puzzles and stacks them progressively. I love everything about this game.

With 3 soon I wanted to go back and beat 2's campaign as well as some turf war matches. Splatoon is such a fun series. I do think a lot of 2's singleplayer levels are designed poorly but it's hard not to enjoy the game with how snappy it feels.

This is one of those games that gives you the feeling of when Milhouse is playing Bonestorm with his hair blasted back. One of the fucking coolest and hypest games I've ever played.

Really fun fighting game. The way it handles inputs makes the long strings and combos way more approachable than something like MVC. All of the characters are super cool too. Definitely recommend it.

(Specifically the Switch version) It's been a while since I replayed Portal 1 and doing it again was so much fun. It has so much charm and the puzzles are all a blast to go through. The gyro on the switch could be better. I think all gyro aiming games should have a center button. Still a great game.

Idk. Saw a youtube video by DougDoug about Peggle controlled by Twitch chat and thought "hey that looks kinda fun" and it IS fun. The game does a good job at getting that dopamine response going. Fun little time waster.

I wanted to replay this before 3 came out. Playing this takes me right back to 2014 when I was really getting into character action games. Its such a fun game. If I ever get the itch for playing Bayonetta, I'll probably always pick Bayo 2.

This is a cute game. It's kinda like a reverse Katamari Damacy. It's satisfying to have everything fall in but not quite the same as having stuff stick to the katamari. There you can see everything you have rolled up. Still, cute game and worth checking out.

This game is very bad. It has TONS of potential, from every aspect. The premise of what this game is and what it sets out to do could make for a great Sonic game but it falls flat on execution and level design.

One of the best Nintendo games I have ever played. It's so unabashedly "Sakurai." You can see all of the stuff he likes to put in games on display. Also the story is fantastic. Lot of great hype moments along with an amazing dynamic with Pit and Palutena.

Not really anything huge, super short tech demo but I love this so much. It adds weird lore to the portal universe and I love it for that.

It's neat going back to the first game with copy abilities in Kirby. There's individual abilities that later became just moves in other abilities. Overall, solid NES platformer. Some questionable level design decisions but fun time nonetheless.

The instant I started playing this game, I knew it was something special. Its such a product of the time with the 90s anime vibe and I love it for that. The controls and general gameplay are REALLY dated but the amount of charm makes up for it. Tron is great.