I'm going to say something controversial. Playing as a giant shark, jumping onto beaches, attacking boats and eating people should not feel this boring.

This entire ocean feels lifeless. There is no personality aside from the narrator. The combat is little more than pressing the same button. Mechanics like lock on straight up don't work. My game crashed 5 times when I used the bio-electric abilities. Missions are plagued with boring repetition and there is no challenge even when going against enemies significally higher level then you. You can just spam the dodge button into them and they die. I could go on. I don't think it's over the top nature and jokes saves this adventure.

Look it's a fun idea and it's not like I was looking for a game of the year. But I expected a little more than a 5 minute gameplay loop and the same 3 missions spread out across 10-15 hours. I do like the setup, I like the documentary style and the shark looks cool. But that is all that is here. I have friends that like this game and I just personally don't get it. If you want a funny animal game there are a lot others that do a better job than this one.

It's up there as one of the worst cases of open world video game junk food i've played. The empty calories provied little substance and I'm pretty sure it gave me a stomach ache.

It feels like an understatement to say that Billy Basso injected new life into a genre that we've seen constantly from the indie scene. From the unique tools picked up along the way, to it's engaging atmosphere and surreal visuals. Animal Well is an absolutely incredible accomplishment and I hope Billy is proud of the outcome after so many years of work.

There is so much to explore and see. So much to uncover from actual gameplay mechanics to weird oddities. I don't feel comfortable saying much more as I don't want to give anything away.

Animal Well is a great achievement and provides two things to be excited about moving forward. What will Bigmode publish next? And what will Billy create next? I can't wait to see the answer to both of those questions.

Overall a great time. Its setting is fantastic, feeling diverse while still being interconnected. I loved the visuals and the narrative has some great pay offs by the end. Enemy designs are creepy and unsettling. Overall sound design is gold. Its writing balances creepy and comedic tones very well as it's suprisingly very funny. It's really easy to sing this games praises.

It's just really solid and an easy recommend to fans of the genre. It punches well above its weight and I'm sure it will be a favorite for many.

Silent Hill 2 showcases a deep personal level of horror. It's the kind that puts a pit in your stomach. It's writing is really something special and deeper meaning can be pulled from almost every action and every scene. It's very apparent why this is consider so highly for so many.

Everything feels so targeted. There is a haunting, enriching atmosphere that echoes through the town of Silent Hill. It's absolutely stellar stuff and the reason to experience this game.

While I can sing its praises for its narrative and presentation its gameplay leaves me mixed. I do understand that much of it is a product of the times and the limitation of hardware. Combat is lacking but it gets the job done. However, I think environmental design feels dissapointing.

It's not interconnected as instead there are way too many locked doors that just lead nowhere. It make walking through some of the hallways feel aimless as you slam your body against every possible door, all so the map can be marked as closed off. It's something that I know will fade with multiple playthroughs, but that first run through may be rough for some.

I don't consider Silent Hill 2 to be a perfect horror experience but I do think it's a must play. It's impactful, it's thought provoking and is multilayered. Due to that, despite the flaws, I recommend Silent Hill 2.


Pleasant is the first word that comes to mind when I think of Toem. It's a very relaxing experience that wants you to capture moments in a wonderful world. It's charming, it's funny and it's cute. The soundtrack is fantastic, the artwork is great and the writing all come together in an excellent little package. It's all very inviting and begs you to look at everything with your own eye.

At the end of the adventure, going through the pictures I took along the way was the best part. The subject we all view is the same but it really felt unique with how I wanted to frame it. Grab your camera, take your time and just enjoy.

So here is the thing about Mega Man 4. If you liked the first 3 games I think you'll like this one. Capcom more or less nailed the levels here, we've got the charge shot, the music is fantastic. Most importantly they introduce Eddie, the most underrated character in video game history. But it feels like they let a few issues slip through the cracks.

Not all abilities (or bosses for that matter) are treated equal here. There is a feeling of filler content, or lack of imagination when it comes to how useful they are. At this point the series seems to have given up on the robot master themes and what their weaknesses would be.

Also somebody had the bright idea to include EVEN MORE Wily Castle content. I hope that person steps in a puddle with their socks on. It's not the worst castle so far, that medal still goes to Mega Man 2. But it's more of it, and I hate that.

It's not a bad game, but the magic isn't as present here. The best way to describe this one is that it's more Mega Man, for both better and worse.

Defending Mega Man 5 feels like I should be banned from most social gatherings due to the Napalm Man Level.

But if we collectively agree to black out during that level and remember this game introduces Beat and has minimal bullshit, then I think it kind of evens itself out.