Exactly 10 min long, and I had fun with it. Very last puzzle was very clever.

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This game has:
Spear Fishing
Business Management
Cooking Mama
Stealth Section
Bullet Hell
Rhythm Game
Farming Sim
It just keeps throwing stuff at you!

Extremely solid, impeccable game feel and momentum. I've had this on my radar for years now, and I was quite satisfied. Completed in about 2.5 hours.

The ending is kind of bland and uneventful but the moment to moment minutia of gameplay more than makes up for it.

Very cute, and it's obvious a ton of creative effort went into it, with tons of variety present, but hidden behind the supposed unpredictability presented by the fact that it's supposed to be a game made by a 10 year old lies the fact that this is a game MADE for a 10 year old, and it's quite boring.

Watched a YouTuber play the main game the day after it came out. One of my biggest regrets. Just now sat down to play the DLC, somehow 110% blind. It lives up to expectations.


I had a great time with the music and the cultural aspects of it, but at some point I stopped having fun. It started feeling a bit errand-runny to get around and complete objectives. Still super cute though

There first half of the game is kind of boring and repetitive, with the story there to keep you going. It starts to drag when all the environments are just forest with the occasional old timey building sprinkled in. But at pretty much exactly the halfway point it starts being interesting again. Story, setting, and difficulty all ramp up and it's fun again. I would say try it, it's not awful, just a bit dated.
First DLC was ok, and the second was great.

I want to love it, but I think I'll wait for Skywind. What's a couple more years?

Final boss was so good, but there were so many baffling decisions absolutely everywhere. I needed a guide multiple times just to know what to do next. The difficulty required strategizing, but also punished you for trying a new strategy with no checkpoints. There are no checkpoints ANYWHERE in ANY part of this DLC. None in trials, none on the towers, none in the cyber stages. Sometimes this choice works and sometimes it just feels like a dick move.

Saw it all in 70 min, very quality in how everything felt, and obviously never strayed too far from what it needed to be. This is more an interior design game than a fossil game.

Alright, that guy in Dunkey's video was right. 7/10 with mods. But like a 6/10 vanilla. So it's a bad game.
To summarize: I use like 3 cutscene skipper mods, a weightless material mod, 2 animation speed up mods because everything is so SLOW. And a permanently bound key to set my walk speed to 1000X so I can actually have fun doing skater tricks off mountains while surveying.

The game is incredible, obviously, and I will always be thankful for the physical comedy of shoving an end-of-act boss into a pit on the first turn, thus completely nullifying all tension.

play it if you have a buddy willing to go with you. Some really fun and interesting gameplay here. Played for hours years ago and only really stopped because of a dying playerbase.

Awesome music paired with very fluid movement.