7 reviews liked by Misho_gong

Improved on the gameplay mechanics of the first, but the plot was not as strong. The game carried on a little too long. You will understand once you get to a certain point in the game. You will ask yourself, is this really continuing from this point?

all-time classic, missing content though and flawed but I'm biased

After Episode 9 this game reminded me why do i love Star Wars. Install patches from the fans and enjoy one of the best stories in a galaxy far, far away

Самая большая претензия к игре - цена. Если убрать ненужную дополнительную активность, то чистого сюжета здесь всего на час-полтора. И за это просят фулл прайс. Мне не понравился сюжет, не понравился злодей, не понравились дополнительные активности (Например, вас попросят написать бит для трека. Зачем я таким вообще занимаюсь в игре про человека-паука? И для кого-то идейно это может звучать очень круто, но реализация все равно хромает. А некоторые приемы для боя, например, можно открыть ТОЛЬКО пройдя дополнительные задания), но драться и летать на паутине в этой игре все еще клево. Еще очень круто выглядит новогодний "скин" на город. Но во всем остальном все как-то очень пресно. По уровню проработки эта игра очень похожа на dlc к оригинальному пауку. Рекомендую брать только по скидке и только фанатам.

I enjoyed this game but compared to its predecessor it felt kind of lackluster. The phenomenal web swinging still felt satisfying and I liked the way Miles got completely new
animations and move sets, which really made him feel like another but unique Spider-Man, who lacks experience. The quality of life improvements were also great. There weren't as many collectibles littering the map and the side content didn't feel as repetitive as in the prequel. I also liked that the side missions were connected, which motivated me to finish them all.

A lot of my problems with this game come from the main story. It's just not good, especially compared to the prequel. Simon Krieger is written like some kind of netflix villain and the Underground and the Tinkerer are just as bad, if not worse. I know Miles Morales is more like an expansion to the first game (that's why it's also way shorter), but I still expected the writing to be on par with the first game, especially with that 60€ price tag...
Don't get me wrong, I like Miles and the way he learns to be Spider-Man, but the side content just conveys this so much better than the poorly written main story.

I'm still very excited for Spider-Man 2 though!

Spider-Man honestly exceeded my expectations. The phenomenal movement of web swinging and the immersion within a bustling New York City make for a really great time. Web swinging in this game just felt so satisfying that I never wanted to use the fast travel option.

The story is surprisingly deep and emotional at times with fantastic cinematics. Sadly, this experience is not without its flaws. I didn't enjoy some forced stealth sections, since they kinda dragged the pacing down for me a bit. The puzzles also got old really fast. The city is obviously gorgeous and you can feel the love Insomniac put into this game, but the side missions felt repetitive and the poor collectibles that litter every corner of the map felt like a chore that I didn't feel like doing anymore near the endgame.

Traversal and the quick, fluid combat are definitely the best parts of the game.