The gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima is fantastic. The katana feels real with all the different stances and attack combinations it gives you the freedom to decide on your own which kind of samurai you want to be. This supported with the bow and the ghost weapons makes the combat system nearly perfect.

The story of the game is great aswell. Following the main storyline you will encounter well placed plottwists and a brilliantly crafted emotional end. The side quests often are different but unfortunately some are repetitious. Nevertheless the tales of your allies were pretty great to follow.

Open world is well designed, you have countless things to do. Especially in the beginning you feel very excited to discover all the things you can do. Unfortunately there are a little bit too much of the same activities in the game. Like 49 fox dens which are 49 times the same thing. This has been done to extend the games playtime. But that's a general problem of modern videogames.

What this game does great is how you are led through the open world. You do not have a marker that shows you where to go like we are used to from Ubisoft's games. No, the wind shows you the way. This is an fantastic idea because it works perfect and does not overload your HUD. I loved it and hope that more games will implement something like this.

So let's turn to the definitely best aspect of this game: CINEMATOGRAPHY

Right from the beginning I was stunned of this game's graphics.The leaves blown by the wind, the grass, the water all looks just perfect. There is no way to top this quality! I think they finally reached the limit in terms of graphics. The whole story feels like a big budget movie because they have scenes where they mastered camera work. For example during dialogues, the cameras angle changes which creates breathtaking pictures. This masterclass work concludes in the finale where we get one of the most beatiful shots ever.

To summarize that, Ghost of Tsushima has a great story, brilliant gameplay and PERFECT cinematography. This makes the game to a MUST PLAY.

Wow, just wow. I rarely cry when it comes to any form of entertainment, but this might be the first time I've ever given a standing ovation to for a whole 10 minutes. This game is a masterpiece

I didn't really have big expectations when it came to the Persona franchise. It thought it was an overgloryfied japanese dating simulator, but I couldn't have been more fucking wrong.

First off, the esthetic, art design, music and overall vibe of the game are absolutely brilliant. The game and it's world feel so alive, even if the graphics and engine are outdated.

The main cast of characters are extremely well written and kept me very invested in the story. Every character feels like an actual unique person, which makes the dynamics feel so alive.

The villans in this game are understandable and tragic. The entire theme of the game is about understanding and accepting the yourself and the people around you, even if the world is a shitshow

I got the true ending of the game, by the time it came time for bad ending 1, I was absolutely on the edge of my seat. I almost cried 2 times. After the ending I was stunned watching the main menu. It made me sad that it was over. I wish I did more side quests, I will definitely be checking out alternative situation on yt


Writing this after a 2nd playthrough

Cameron Monaghan once again voices Cal and he is fantastic in this game. The character has become one of the most interesting in the whole of Star Wars and that gets expanded here. You can tell that Cal has been through a lot in the 5 years between games and that has made him see certain things in a different light. Monaghan sells it perfectly and this is a character I thoroughly enjoy playing as.

The crew from the main game - Merrin, Cere, BD-1 & Greez are back here in slightly different roles and they are all fantastic. The relationships between Cal and these characters is thoroughly developed and I loved how natural it felt that these people hadn't been together for years. They have changed since the first game and I like how their stories were treated alongside Cal.

The new characters are also really well realised. Bode Akuna who is voiced by Noshir Dalal who also voices Charles Smith in Red Dead Redemption plays a new ally of Cal and he is a well realised character. Their chemistry is well realised and makes you care about this new character and his motivations for working with Cal. As it was shown in the trailers the new characters from The High Republic is really interesting, especially from someone who isn't that familiar with this time in Star Wars. It makes me want to pick up the books and find out more.

The main story is possibly my favourite part of this game. It feels like a natural progression of the story from the previous game and does an excellent job of progressing our main characters from the first game while developing new characters. Some people have dubbed this game as The Empire Strikes Back of this trilogy and I would agree, it is much darker then the first game but it feels appropriate and like it suits the world being built. It has its twists and turns and it all fits really well and satisfying for a fan of Star Wars and this franchise.

One huge improvement this game has is that there is way more to do here then their was in the previous game. The majority of missions are pretty linear but well designed. But when you go to the planet Kobah there is plenty of side missions and activities for the player to take part in. It encourages the player to take part in these and even if they aren't all great I appreciate these additions. A couple of these side missions are fantastic with rewards that feel like they are worth doing. The game has added training to the meditation rest point and for new players this is a useful addition.

The gameplay is really great. It feels familiar to fans of the first game that it is easy to jump in. But it is more fluid and feels like Cal is a much stronger Jedi then he was in the previous game. There are new enemies to face and some of them are really challenging which is nice to see for sure. The new teammate system isn't used much but it is a nice change that shows Cal works well with his allies to defeat enemies. Things as mount travelling and Fast Travel are really nice additions to the game and makes it easier to explore the world. But probably the biggest addition is the stances, players get to select from 5 different stances based on what is required for the mission. They all feel really different and it was nice to try out these different stances and seeing what worked and what didn't. I did feel there was some issues in terms of the platforming and jumping which seemed to be the ways I died the most. Also the game has a similar issue to the previous game in that the final boss is incredibly cheap, it was incredibly frustrating and I only defeated them by turning the difficulty down which was really frustrating.

The game looks amazing, it continues the good work that the previous game had in terms of the great graphics. The cutscenes are amazing to look at and the planets all look great. This game has huge customisation with Cal. Whether it is his hair, beard or clothes he is so customisable and everybody can have different looking versions of the character. Creating his Lightsaber and designing BD is a really fun part of the game and makes this game stand out.

Overall, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a fantastic game that is a must play for any Star Wars fan. I would even say if you aren't a huge fan play Fallen Order and then get this game as these are amazing single player games that prove that this concept is not dead just yet.

This game has gotten way too much critisism for the decisions that the creators made. Even when this came out, I strongly disagreed with some of the critisism, because I felt people misunderstood the plot and the motives of the characters. Now that I'm playing the game for the second time and I can kind of relax, knowing how the story goes, I can focus more on how the story and the characters proceed, and the game is still amazing. It looks amazing and I love the characters because they seem like real people. Real people do things wrong, they are not perfect.

I feel like haters just concentrated on what happens to Joel. But the game shows that everything has consequences, even for the characters that everybody adores. If you cannot handle that, you should never watch movies, read books or play games, because it happens in every form of media. People that are loved, suffer or die. That is just life.


Alan Wake 2 is one of the most creative and unique games I've ever played. The writing and story are brilliant and the characters are really likeable. The graphics are phenomenal. The gameplay feels a little wooden in the beginning and sometimes the game is too dark and can't see shit, but those aren't serious problems.

The gadgets and combat system is more linear and challenging, the swinging is faster and better. The world is more alive, but the new part of it feel like a copy and paste. Acting and music are amazing. The story is all over the place(but it can be fixed with a 3rd game). It's too short and a lot of unnecessary shit happens, that gets resolved in seconds. The suits and customization are great, there definitely something for everybody. The side quests are an improvement too.

Assassin's creed Mirage is one of the most basic, soulless and boring games I've played in recent years. The combat and parkour are a downgrade. The story is nonexistent. The world is beautiful and it runs great on a mid-range pc, but it feels dead and hollow. It was supposed to be a dlc for Assassin's creed Valhalla, and it definitely feels like one. If you want a brainfree beautiful jumping simulator with a basic combat system, this is the game for you. For now I will be sticking with cyberpunk's sidequests :)
Ubisoft better get their act together, because I'm starting to get worried for the Star Wars game they're making

Phantom liberty is rough and painful with it's absolutely oscar tier writing and dialog. It fits the main game's theme and ideas perfectly. No good ending, No real reward, just the reality of the soulless world around you, but with a glimpse of hope for a better future. Everybody was amazing in there role (Idris Elba and Keanu Reeves carried the entire dlc). Probably the best dlc I've ever played. CD project red never fails to deliver. 10/10

Story and characters are so lively, Environment is super detailed and immersive. You have to play it to judge.

It takes some time to get a hold of the momentum of the story, driving and controls after which this game becomes a sweet thing of the day. Don't just play it to complete the game. Live it.. side missions are super immersive and the more you invest yourself in the story, more entertaining it gets.

The game is made to live the night city to the fullest. Have patience and this game will be at the top of your fav game list.

A truly underrated masterpiece. CD Project Red never disappoints

KOTOR 2 expands upon the first game brilliantly, and truly brings the galaxy to life, whether on the seedy underworld of Nar Shaddaa to the wild overgrown primal jungles of Dxun. It adds depth, nuance and darkness to the galaxy far far away, and has in my opinion, arguably the second best writing and story in the entire franchise. Obsidian knocked it out of the park with this sequel. The fact that it was rushed in development by lucas arts is a real shame, because the final product with the restored content mod is just brilliant. Kreia is one of the best written Sith lords in the entire franchise, and raises so many interesting questions about free will, the influence of the force and the choices we make. The exile has a fascinating story, and the game really allows you to explore the nature of the force and what it means to be a jedi. I also prefer how it adds subtlety and shades of gray to what had largely been to this point, a black and white galaxy in terms of choices and morality. It's such a shame obsidian never got to release and finish their KOTOR 3, this game is a fantastic sequel that deserved a solid conclusion.

One of the best games you'd stumble upon in this genre, It definitely deserves a game of the year award, Music is a heavenly masterpiece, Story is astonishing, Gameplay itself is on another level, One of the best games ever directed by Yoko Taro, Everything inside is synced up perfectly together which makes it a true masterpiece, I'm running out of words to describe this beauty of a game, Seriously one of the best stories ever made. After I got all the main endings, I was crying on the floor like a child.

Where to even begin with this? There's so much to say about elden ring that I can't do it justice no matter how hard I try. To be honest I should start with a warning. DO NOT play this game if you have abusy life, for you will become obsessed. All aspects of the game come together to make one of the most perfect and beautiful experience you've ever witnessed: the lore being slowly revealed throughout, the gameplay making you so angry yet so triumphant, and every other part working to its best ability. It may sound like hyperbole but elden ring genuinely changed me in a way which touched me deeper down than anything else ever had. There were times when i had stayed awake until 4 in the morning because i had lost track of time from being immersed in this game(or fighting Malenia), the sense of which is second to none.