Half-baked puzzle design and a game-engine-that-couldn't fail to dilute the absolute gut punch of a climax that wraps up this tale. Whatever technical misgivings I have, the relationship between Lee and Clementine is one of the medium's greatest. Chapter Five absolutely destroyed me as a new father.

May be my favorite platformer of all time. Fast and frenetic with some of the best level designs I've ever played.

AND... the worst trophy I have ever earned. The Truly Awesome trophy is an absolute asshole that took me 6 years and six straight months of daily play to accomplish.

Fuck that trophy, but this game still rules.


Gorgeous, sad, with an absolutely lovely score. A perfect rainy-day weekender.

OG Trilogy Kratos may be the worst protagonist in modern gaming. Too many games for a character whose quest for revenge truly ends with the first.

That gameplay though. Gotdamn.

Great world-building and a solid foundation for the franchise, but the game is a surprising grind and lacks the richness of character and storytelling that its sequel brought to the table.

Despite being a near beat-for-beat retread of Drake's Fortune, it's the game that cemented Uncharted's identity as a modern day, cinematic adventure franchise. The franchise got more daring and experimental as it went along, but this is the REAL start for Drake and Company

My non-gamer wife watched me play this game from start to finish over a weekend, and if that doesn't demonstrate the charms of these games, I don't know what will.

Stopped playing when I realized how much of a commitment Catching Them All really is.

Felt bloated compared to the first, and the switch to a different protagonist could have been handled with more skill

An effective gateway drug, that modern Souls players will likely find extremely dated. Platinum took me three years of on and off play thanks to an absolutely obnoxious World and Character Tendency system.

As the first entry in a storied and influential franchise, it deserves recognition. However it does not live up to Naughty Dog's modern standards. A rough draft for Uncharted 2, which is the true beginning of the Uncharted Trilogy.

Also, my first PlayStation Platinum.

I've never seen another game explain its mechanics and systems so poorly. Tapped out really quick.

First AC Game I failed to Platinum. Just didn't connect with the game at all.

Played this after Virtue's Last Reward and it probably suffered because of it.

Scariest game I've ever played. Hopefully the remake goes back to its survival horror roots.


What exactly happened here that I didn't even know this terrific game existed until 2021? So many different ways to play the game and so many rich details and world-building. A bit of a hidden masterpiece.

Side note for Trophy Hunters - This is probably the worst trophy list a great game has ever managed. Only two unmissable trophies in the entire game. Don't be a hero. Use guides and follow them to the letter. Some trophies are finicky as hell.