A super-weird entry for the franchise, but one I came to enjoy once I mastered the new combat.

Still bitter that an obstacle course kept me from the Platinum, but I can't deny how fun the game was.

I wish there were more games like it. So nice I Platinumed it twice.

This and Rock Band are the two games that I quit after I watched an absolute master play for ten minutes.

Best 3-D Mario from a gameplay perspective, but barely held my interest by the end. Marked the beginning of my drift away from Nintendo.

Didn't have quite the religious experience that many people did with this one.

A fitting, solid conclusion to a franchise starting to show its age.

A disappointing step back for a franchise I might have expected too much from.

The amount of garbage this glorified tech demo unleashed on the gaming world is unparalleled. Can't deny the fun I had with Bowling and Golf tho.

A game of cheap collisions masked by brief sections of intense speed.

An entertaining adventure while it lasts, but it lacks the lasting impression of other Arkane efforts like Dishonored. A wet fart of an ending probably didn't help it's staying power either.

Gorgeous, epic, and a hell of a lot of fun to play. Still got a charge out of face-offs deep into my second Platinum run.

The game did a pretty poor job easing players into a completely new genre, and not even my love of Persona 5 could keep me going. Bailed pretty early on this one.

My favorite Zelda game to this day.