In some ways, it feels like they heard some backlash over the learning curve of the first game and tried to make it a little more forgiving. Drifts and dashes are a little less essential, and you get a new jump ability.
However, I think the game suffers in other areas, mostly with the map design. In Crazy Taxi 1, each area was fairly unique with different landmarks that after enough playing, you could generally remember how to get where without relying only on the guiding arrow. In CT2, the city area is a grid of samey-looking buildings and it feels way less interesting, not to mention the actual layout of drop-off points is such a mess, on top of the guiding arrow being drunk 50% of the time. I ended up just going back to the first game.

SEGA had some killer racing games back in the day, and this is no exception. It being an arcade game at its core means a limited amount of content (3 + 1 tracks, 2 + 1 cars), but the pure driving feel is great and the soundtrack is excellent.


Some of the best-feeling combat I've played in a game, though I do feel like the rogue-lite nature of the game (aging, shrines, etc.) can be a bit of a drag sometimes.

If you play this game regularly, it's possible you have self-respect issues. /j

Hehe funny moe man shaking light saber like he strait jerkin it

Vanilla Minecraft is a little stale at this point for me (only become I've been playing this game on and off for almost my entire life) but mods really do breathe a whole new life into this game.
Also, maybe nostalgia speaking, but possibly one of the best OSTs in video game history.

It's definitely a Harry Potter game, and that's about all I can say. You'll probably enjoy this more if you actually like Harry Potter.

It's undeniably an arcade-first game, but Sega was really cooking when it came to car games. At first playthrough you might get by with only 3 or 4 passengers, but slowly you learn how to drift, dash and stop effectively, and it's strangely engrossing. Soon you're dashing between traffic, drifting through corners, and finishing with an S rank and a new high-score.

It may be instrumental in creating one of the most popular series in Nintendo history but this game just sucks to play lmao

A great game at the time, but its reputation is definitely tainted by the fact that it lead to Nintendo making the most samey games in the Mario franchise for about 14 years.

A fun music creation toy that has surprisingly deep usage in its capabilities. Obviously not rivalling a real DAW like FL or Ableton, but great for messing around with all the instruments and making little songs.

It's brain training, plain and simple, but it does feel like wasted potential. Could've benefited from more minigames, more unlockables, more activities, etc. As of now, it feels pretty bare-bones after playing for a few weeks.

Never played the OG so I can't say if its a faithful remake, but a great time regardless. Memorable characters, polished gameplay, great visuals and a good story, what's not to like?

A great modernization of the PSX games. Usually not one for horror games, but this was so good it kept me around for 4 playthroughs (both characters + A and B stories) in spite of that.