I would like to start out by stating that I would have played Prepare to Die Edition on PC, but there's no easy way for me to obtain it legally and key sellers have it at absurd prices. I get that this version uses a new lighting engine that makes everything too bright, but it's not the worst change. It's not completely butchered like in Bluepoint's Demon's Souls "remake". The actual game is fantastic. Finely tunes some of what Demon's Souls established and removes some mechanics entirely like the grass system with the estus flask which allows game flow to go on uninterrupted. The need to grind for grass is completely gone. The areas after Anor Londo do kinda stink, but the bosses save them from being terrible with the exception of Lost Izalith and Bed of Chaos.

Going from Artorias, Kalameet and Manus to Gwyn was hilarious

Starts off as your run of the mill garbage licensed title but then you get to level 9 where it becomes a shitty guessing game of choosing the right path or the level repeats.

An actually decent licensed title. Like most NES games it doesn't tell you what to do at all. You're just supposed to know that one of the three houses you first come across is enterable. Which house is enterable is random every playthrough. Enemy placement can be annoying, and the bones of Freddy scattered throughout the levels can blend into the environment but even then I never felt overly frustrated. The game is very forgiving about giving you continues and immediately spawning you close to where you died. The soundtrack is also surprisingly great! The boss rush at the end is pretty brutal though.

Honestly, some of the worst jumping I've felt in a game and I went through every game on Action 52!

My problem with this game is that it's just fine. It doesn't do anything special. Gone is the press turn system and the one more system from Persona and in its place is the sabbath system. I don't think sabbaths added enough to keep the combat interesting or satisfying. SMT isn't usually known for its amazing story but what we got here is super generic trite. Dungeons are visually boring and are a slog to get through.

Over the years I've attempted to play Mario Sunshine a number of times and with every attempt I got further but ultimately I would end up dropping it due to not vibing with the controls. I don't think the Fludd was a good replacement for the long jump or the crouch jump. The freedom of doing any level whenever the player feels like is totally gone instead forcing you go through the first seven shines in each level no matter how monotonous or just downright terrible they are. Aesthetically the game is nice and to be fair the first few levels were fine. The frustration didn't set in until the second half of the game with the last three levels. Also is it just me or is the camera worse here than in Mario 64?

If you plan on playing this or any other game published by
Working Designs please do yourself a favor and check if there's an Un-Working Designs patch for said game you're looking for. Working Designs is notorious for increasing in game difficulty to a frustrating degree. Enemies do more damage, items cost more in shops, increased enemy stats, etc. With these patches the frustration and
tedium is mostly gone as they revert the difficulty back to the original Japanese releases. You still have to put up with their shitty ass scripts which added awkward sex jokes, slurs and
references, like Bill Clinton in Lunar and Bob Vila in Magic Knight Rayearth. Suffice to say I'm glad Working Designs is gone. #ripbozo #packwatch rest in piss

The actual game here is a fun little 2D Zelda like. Sprites are cute and the soundtrack goes kinda hard??? Platforming can be a bit awkward at times and maybe I'm just dumb but I found myself getting lost a few times. It also becomes a shmup for a bit at the end.

Yea, Bub and Bob are cool and all, but this game has Sakaki.

Sakaki is cooler.

Usually games with bullshit death traps would infuriate me to no end but I still ended up enjoying my time with Comix Zone. Losing health after punching almost anything is dumb but it wasn't as severe as I had been lead up too believe. It's a got a cool presentation and it's short length probably helped alleviate most of my frustration with it.

The soundtrack kicks ass! Too bad just about everything else sucks. The story does set up some interesting ideas but it's hard to get invested when the game is clearly more interested in trying to be as shocking as possible. Throw in some totally unnecessary upskirts while you're at it, one of these being from a seven year old by the way. You also have to follow a specific path in order to progress otherwise you'll encounter one of the games many cheap deaths.
Pure shock value and not even the fun kind!

I pretty much echo most of the reviews on here. A map would have been nice, enemies can be damage spongey, and the auto aim is a little awkward. Other than that it feels like a good old survival horror game of yesteryear, besides the visuals. Using your weapons felt satisfying and the stamina meter was a neat addition. I was complete shit at this game so I walked into the final boss room with my health nearly at zero and only two healing items.

The monster is funny for about 36 seconds before you realize just how vapid the game is. It can be completed in under an hour and even then I felt like I wasted my time. Could have played Monster Party instead.

It's been quite a while since I've played the previous two entries to this series, so maybe I'm forgetting some details but I certainly don't remember those games feeling like they enjoyed wasting my time. Walk to one point, get an item, then take the item back to its original location or walk around in a linear environment looking for key items with no sense of danger inbetween. A lot of this game felt empty both in the overworld and in "dungeons". I remember the previous games doing this, but certainly not to this degree. All these mind numbing tasks culminated into me dropping the game right at the end when I had to revisit certain parts of the game, but now with a new mechanic and a lot of unskippable dialog. Also, it's hard to feel any type of fear when the game reuses a lot of the same enemies from the previous game with very few new enemies. Maybe I'm just sick of these games formulas, but this game felt like an utter disappointment. It still has great atmosphere and beautiful art, but I'd recommend checking out Yomawari: Night Alone over this. It goes on sale frequently for under $5.