Overall, while it's a fun and silly game I did not enjoy this one as much as Ultimate Boy

Incredibly fun and silly game where you are a hero that only lives for 30 seconds.

Played this with a friend from start to finish. It's decent for what it is. It's funny, the constant one-liners may not be for everyone, however they hit the funny-bone for me. While the game is simple, it's a very good time for two people on a voice call just chatting, playing, and going through the silly game.

Lol. I played it, it was funny enough at the time. Crazy how much this game popped off.

I can only ask that you stop reading reviews for this game, and hop right into it. This is truly one of those games that is a lot better if you do not know what you're getting yourself into.

The writing is fantastic, the characters are believable, and you really feel the urgency in everything that is going on in this game. You care for the characters, you want everything to turn out okay. The game has twists and turns you would never expect, and it is a game that leaves you thinking. You think about what is being said, how it can be applied to the real world, and if everything we do really is as logical as we'd think.

Firewatch is an enjoyable walking sim with fun characters, fantastic voice acting, gorgeous visuals, that doesn't stick the landing. The game is incredibly good at building up a mystery. You uncover more clues, you start getting paranoid wondering where this is going to go, begin caring for the other characters, hoping that they turn out okay, only for everything to come crashing down when you finally realize what it is. There was so much build up for no pay out.

That said, do I still recommend this game? Yes. Everything up until the last 10 minutes is fantastic, but be prepared that it may not satisfy a coherent story with an ending.

Germinal is a good platformer with precise controls, an okay story and mostly good level design. The game is however held back by poor readability, somewhat janky fluid physics and suspicious collision. The game itself is decent, but there are many smaller frustrations piling up throughout the game.

The core gameplay itself is solid, and does not overstay its welcome. You have a very high jump, a fast-fall, wallslide and walljump. What makes this game unique is your stamina based abilities to hover and double jump.

That said, the game suffers from some frustrating moments which come from either janky gimmicks or visibility issues.

First of all, the biggest offender, the double jump. This shared the same button bind as your jump and wall-jump. With no option to re-bind the boost/double jump, you may find yourself wall-jumping when you mean to boost, and boosting when you mean to wall-jump. The walljump is very sensitive, almost like there is a magnet pulling you to the wall, which is good in most cases, but mixing these items will get you killed as stage gimmicks react differently to your boost and wall jump.

Secondly, the ceiling-climb. The game may require you to climb on the ceiling. The game will often have you climb the ceiling and jump off, often around a corner and on top of the ceiling you were just climbing on. This would be okay if it weren't from the fact that there is no "swing" mechanic to let you gain distance from the ceiling you were just climbing on. You will often find that when attempting to do this action, especially in succession, you will often time "bonk" on the ceiling and fall to your death, or you will climb too far and just fall off. I tried different distances while in a safe area, and it felt rough.

The third problem which sticks out throughout the game is poor visibility. Now, I play many different games, and I have never considered using color or visibility accessibility features in any game before this one. In the end, I decided I wanted to play the game with the default settings, but man it gets rough. There is a lvl where you have a thick, purple outline covering the border of your screen, so you can only see the middle. This "fades" into the lvl. Germs which are green look purple in this mode, and I died many times to thinking I could clean something, but they were a different kind of germ. The lvl design is also not made with this tick outline in mind, as it completely covers and hides important gameplay tiles you will need to finish the lvl. You have to do multiple leaps of faith "off screen" and randomly press the jump button hoping you found a wall, or jump off into the distance hoping the trail of germs the game is showing you will end when you reach the end of the screen.
While the purple screen smoke is only there for a small part of the game, the game also suffers from boxes in the background sometimes looking like solid platforms, but when you try to land on them they're not, the "trash" in the party lvl sometimes blended so well into the background I could not see them while rushing through a lvl, the "pillows" that jump at you when you use water are sometimes not telegraphed, they will just hit you in the face the first time you try to complete that room like it's a "gotcha" moment. Also, the trails of flying trash have transparent smaller trash flying after it, this also looks like it is just a visual effect, but it is not. Some levels are so dark you just have to guess where to go and hope you land correctly.

You will often have to clean areas where you are landing, this sounds fine, but the jetback water feels inconsistent, especially when cleaning vertical pillars of germs.

Making a game like this, in the artstyle they chose, it cannot avoid getting compared to Celeste. Other than the graphics, the story, and it being a room-based precision platformer, it does not try to be celeste. However, with the comparisons the devs are welcoming making a game like this, I am not sure they do themselves any favours. While the game is good, it simply cannot compete with what it is undeniably going to get compared to.

So, should you play this game? Maybe. If you are looking for a decent B-grade platformer to play over a weekend and you already played the great ones, this is for you. I enjoyed my time with it, and I am sure you will too. That said, I do not think this is for everyone. There are some rough edges, I found that the music was a mixed bag containing everything from "please turn this annoying music off" to "okay, this is quite pleasant to listen to", I did not care for any of the characters, and I found myself actively disliking the main character.

This game is made by a small teams of devs, and they should get all the praise in the world for releasing their game in the vision they had. I hope they are successful enough so they get to continue making new experiences for others to enjoy.

Faith... Where to even begin? When I first started this game I wasn't sure if I would like it. Something about the slow nature of the game initially put me off.

However, as I kept playing, you realize that the game makes you think. You start to fill in the gaps. The game keeps so much information from you with its simplistic graphics, and drip feeding of lore notes. The more you play, the deeper the mystery gets, and the stronger the game's grasp gets.

This is one of the most interesting horror games out there. The type of game where you play it, and you still feel like watching that 6 hours long lore video afterwards.
I do not have much more to say, as I would not want to spoil anything. Please get this game, it is truly a masterpiece.

DLC Quest is a funny commentary game about the state of the game industry where they make everything in the game DLC. Want to jump? DLC. Wanna move left? DLC. Need equipment? DLC. Horse armor? You bet.

Fun for what it is, and the joke does not overstay its welcome.

Delver describes itself as a "roguelike dungeon crawler, just like you wished they used to make." While this is true, it is also what holds the game back. The game does not do enough to hold the player's attention, and the player quickly feels like they have seen everything in just a few hours.

While exploration is fun and the combat is fine, you quickly feel like you are walking through the same halls, doing the same things with the same weapons over and over. It is cute for what it is, but there are many better options out there.

An asymmetrical horror game where you could play as a Ghost or Human. Playing as both sides was interesting, and the game had a lot of promise. However, whether it was because of poor sales or a dwindling playerbase, they started making drastic changes to the game. Humans could now use guns, drastically changing what was a fun hide and seek game into an action boss shooter. It completely ruined the fun, in my opinion.

The game is now no longer playable.

Overall an enjoyable co-op horror game with likeable characters, fun (though maybe predictable) twists, dialogue, and a little bit of drama.

This is probably not a game that will stick with you for a long time after you play it, however it is entertaining for what it is, and makes for a fun evening with a friend.

On a faithful day in 2015, I wrote the following review on Steam:
"This is possibly the worst game I own". I still think that holds true today, almost 10 years later.

The instant classic that released and took the internet by storm. There are many reasons to love this game; the touching story, gorgeous visuals, immersive soundtrack, or smooth as silk movement.
For me, the movement makes this game. I think it may have the smoothest movement of any 2D platformer, and it knows it. Catering to both casual and hardcore players alike, it hits the mark every time.

An incredibly fun 4-player co op beat-em-up game. Tons of weapons, classes, abilities, pets and princesses to save. This game never goes wrong if you need something to play with your friends.