This is were Sonic peaked. Unitl Frontiers, I'd say.

Rockstar Magnum Opus.

Red Dead Redemption is the best story told by the studio, just followed by Red Dead Redemption 2 and probably GTA IV. It feels like a big adventure through America.
My favorite bit were the missions that took place in Mexico.

Rockstar sadly still has problems regarding structure and pacing. Gameplay is basic for the most part too, shoot until everyone is dead. It hasn't evolved that much since GTA 3. But I have to say, this game delivers so good storywise.

The few Rockstar games that I actually like.

Really interesting game, not the best by any mean or capacity but interesting enough to keep you hooked through it's story. It's a well made movie-like experience with a great variety of locations and scenarios. The atmosphere feels opressive and dark at times. The Japan levels were the best in my opinion. Something strange I recalled is that the characters just go from one side of the world for another in a matter of just seconds? it helps to keep the pace of the game but come on, it feels kind of lazy.

Both protagonist make a good couple, one being sane and the other being a psycho. One is selfish, the other one is loyal and so one. The best of both worlds and it works Both are deeply flawed on their own way.

Why is just "Decent" then? Well, the gameplay cannot be more tedious for a shooter. The cover mechanic is not associated to a specific button for some ungodly reason and it's just does it by itself when you are close to a wall. The shooting itself feels janky to say the least, the bullets spread like crazy and you don't much options for a more precise weapon such as a rifle or sniper through the game. Sprinting is non-existential, it last less than 5 seconds if you are lucky and the sprint isn't like a huge difference from walking either. The Team mechanic is a mixed-bag it can serve on some specific ocassions but most of the time you ended up killing yout target before your team does most of the time.

Most of the unique mechanics to this game don't flesh out that much really through the journey. Stealth is close to non-existent, specially in the Jungle levels when there is an incentive to use it. You will ending up shooting everyone without consecuence anyways.

Conclusions: Interesting game, but it's not much of a fun ride, but it doesn't need to be it either. And by the end, you will ended up empty.

Very nice collection of Shovel Knight games. It could be considered the Complete Edition.

My favorites by far were Specter of Torment and of course Shovel of Hope.

Didn't have a single problem running it on Linux.

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Very good game, I would have liked to see a full fledged console Pokémon game with those models.

Tanky enemies with very little poise, best dragon fight in the series probably. Low enemy variety too.

The sanctum is really cool. A lot of hidden areas, cool loot and enemies to fight. I do think the gang boss sucks, really, really, REALLY bad.

BUT, Elana is a boss fight I love very much. Is fun to fight her on groups. She is just a necromancer born from Manus.

Best DLC for Dark Souls II for sure. Two great boss battles, a dull one.

It's basically climbing down a tower made of Iron. Same problem with the Crown of the Sunken King, enemies hit like trucks and have very little poise. Best option is to run.

Sir Alonne boss fight is peak. Love it. Fume Knight too, awesome. Before entering Fume Knight, try get dressed as Velstadt for a quriky surprise.

Genuinely a good alternative to Resident Evil 4 at the time. Back when Ubisoft had some creativity in them.

The russian whaler aesthetic is so awesome and dark. Reminds of Dead Space. Alone, in a big space, a big ship where you don't feel at home.

The rest is kind of eh, I supossed. Very common stuff for a horror game.


Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is basically everything that made Max Payne 1 so good but expanded with a good layer of complexity in it's story.

The level design is less trap-centered than Max Payne 1. And the story can get dark at times. The only thing that is not very good is the VA's in the cutscenes. They still have the goofy nature from the first game, except Max Payne and Mona Sax.

If the remake ever comes out I would like to make everyone more serious while still highlighting Max's voice.

Okay-ish. The equivalent to junk food in games.

In some aspects better than the first one, in others much worse. I can't even remember what happen in this game, I did beat it like twice.

Megaman X: Legacy Collection is a collection of Megaman X-4. It includes a extra mode called X Challenge which is basically a themed dual boss battle.

I won't be reviewing the games, they'll go elsewhere. Just the collection itself

It's a good collection with horrible input lag on the SNES titles. On PC it can be fixed rather easily but I've been seeing some nasty results on consoles.

The menus are nice enough, probably not my favorites. I like the simplicity of the Megaman Legacy Collection menus. It's ok.

The content included is insane, so much stuff packed. From music, to merchandise exclusive to Japan, artwork and so much more. It's great.

X Challenge is one hell of a challenge. Specially the last battle. The most hard boss fights you will ever have in the series.

It's good but it could've been much better.

Megaman X: Legacy Collection 2 is a collection of Megaman X5-8. It includes a extra mode called X Challenge which is basically a themed dual boss battle.

I won't be reviewing the games, they'll go elsewhere. Just the collection itself

It's a good collection with some horrible games included; like Mega Man X6 or god awful Mega Man X7. It's only worth it because Mega Man X8, which is a ok to good game imo

The menus are nice enough, probably not my favorites. I like the simplicity of the Megaman Legacy Collection menus. It's ok.

The content included is insane, so much stuff packed. From music, to merchandise exclusive to Japan, artwork and so much more. It's great.

X Challenge is one hell of a challenge. It changes some bosses from Megaman X Legacy Collection 1.

Yes, I copied my review from my last one only changing the necessary. Take that, Capcom.

The very first Postal game. This is the remake.

It's ok. The ending goes hard.

Do I need to say something? Good, included with the Wii was the best decision ever.


It's awesome to see these stages in a more modern rendition. (12 years have passed since then, probably not that modern).

I feel Classic Sonic too werid in terms of movement. His jump is all over the place and his spindash is crazy overpowered and fast.

Modern Sonic is alright.

It's a fine game otherwise.