They though at the time, sequels were the same game but a few new things or changed on top. That description isn't that far away from what sequel stands today.

But they ramped up the difficulty so bad, it's almost impossible to enjoy unless you were already good at the first game. Think more of a hard map pack for Super Mario Bros. and you will be golden. Otherwise, there isn't much here to enjoy besides the novelty.

Very simple and cute!

You are going to have nightmares trying to complete this game.

A decent entry in the series. Actually close to good.

This time we have the ability to choose between different themed Dracula Castles, kind of like Mega Man and it boss screen selection. It doesn't hold more importance than the will to choose, there is no advantage to choose one over the other.

Unlike the last title, you can now use sub-weapons such as the classic Axe and Holy Water (Cross in the European and Japanese version).'s decent, I guess. Give it a try. It might feel a bit slow.

Digital Cocaine

Good if you want to kill some time

This is worse than the time I was reviewing Family Guy Video Game!

Lowkey this game kinda funny.

Solid entry in the Yakuza series, this being a spin-off.

Judgment basically is Yakuza with detectives. Lots more mystery involved in the main plot and you can actually take role as a detective in finding clues like in the Batman Arkham series. This little change actually forced me to know and remember bits of the story more than most Yakuza games would. Oh, there also trailing missions too. I'm going to be honest, trailing missions can work but they need more flavor to it. In this game is nothing but a major annoyance.

This is also a Yakuza game through and through so there is combat too. It isn't my favorite to be honest.
Yagami feels slow while on combat. After some attacks he does a little recover animation to then be able to attack again, this takes about 2 seconds to perform and this kills a bit the pace of the combat in general. Same goes for some attacks, they take way too long to perform and aren't as instant as I hoped they would be. Two combat styles both for different purposes. I stick with the Tiger which has more development than the other one.

The story was nice, the best writting in the series for what I've played. Most characters were alright, nothing major but the antagonists were great. Big twist as usual, not as ridiculous as past games, everything ties together nicely.
If I had to pick something bad from the story is the pacing, there is so much filler at times that doesn't add too much to the overall main story by the end.

And, as a good RGG game it has trillions of things to do outside the main story. But, this is all well known by everyone at this point.

In short. A great first entry in this spin-off series. If you have already played some Yakuza games you will feel at home with this one, besides the combat system. Maybe.

A safe fine enough final entry in the Dark Souls franchise.

This game to me feels akward, it's fine. But nothing remarkable unlike DS 1 or 2. The movement speed of Bloodborne feels great, but I think Dark Souls should have a more slow approach to exploration and combat like the past games did.

Most areas in general feel bland too or have already been done before in past From Software games. It's linear level design somewhat hurts too. On the good side, I'd say it has a big amount of secrets and side missions involving other characters.

I think it's a good enough game, but it isn't as special as the past two or even Bloodborne.

The first Crash, this is the remake.

What can I say? Good pure platforming goodness. No much of gimmicks in this one, go straight break all the boxes and you are golden.

To be honest, it is somewhat hard but no were near people say it is. Completion it's hard though, breaking all the boxes in Sunset Vista without dying is something to be proud of, not to mention the Relics in that same level.

Really good for what it is.

Fun altrough a bit sweaty Smash-like with Workshop support which means there's a lot of content besides the main game.

With mods is almost perfect, without it. It's ok. One of the best Smash-like on the market in my opinion.

Weird Wiiware game I stumble across by accident.

It's a side scroll game with shooting mechanics. It's also like, a parody game somehow. I don't understand Japanese neither what is funny to them, but that's the main focus here. Find as many gags as possible, some were funny though.

The gags will result in something you won't expect, some caught me off guard.

It's pretty short and full of randomness you can't but want to know what the next big crazy thing would be.

Not that bad, but not that good either. Kind of lackluster in execution.

I would say Sister Friede is the best boss in this game, absolutely awesome. Probably worth the trouble?..maybe the first time.

Played the Genesis version which is not listed here.

Well, it's a interesting game. You are Itchy, the blue rat. And you basically have to kill Scratchy, the cat. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Like in the show. Cut hin in half, make him explode, it's up to you. He will only re-appear as long as his health bar isn't at zero.

You have different weapons scattered around the whole map. Two types to be exact. One are the ones that you use to kill the cat on set level, until he ran out of energy. The other type of weapon is only used on boss fights, against the cat in top of some wacky machine.

It's basically like a Battle Royale between two dudes only. There are hazards on the stages too, so be careful.

Overall it's a very fun title but nothing else outside of that.

Solid platformer for what I can remember.

Something I recently noticed is that the game included music. When I used to played it, it never had music. The white guy with the big nose when he starts to chase you felt 100% more creepy thanks to that.


A game were you liberate countries, by brutal force and shooting. It's a more methodical approach to run and gun games. Not as mindless as those. Terrain can be destructed, characters have set lifes and a lot of RNG in between, so be careful.

Every character is unique, they can shoot from standart bullets to not shoot and all and punch they way through enemies.

Fun with friend/strangers alike.