What is a man but the sum of his memories.

The most 3 star franchise of all time, will only allow this and black flag to be rated higher.

gotta be honest, will never bring myself to respect whatever the comp scene for this was


After taking Overwatch fairly seriously competitively for a while, it has been a breath of fresh air to play a game casually with friends where random shit is updated and made broken and then quickly fixed all the time. Sound design sucks ass.

What is this for? The turn based top down GBA game? The third person RPG for DS? Whatever the game was on the main consoles? I choose the first, a game I spent too much time with.

The only Witcher game I've played, and one of the dumbest opinions I have is that I grate against its mode of worldbuilding in some odd ways. That said the Blood and Wine DLC is one of my favorite things ever.

some stories here that will follow me

What if the people that made Fallout: New Vegas tried to make Fallout 3

Some of the most bittersweet memories I have. Mostly bitter now.

may the success of Apex give us a third

not an openly bad game, but the only time I've put into a video game I've ever truly regretted

That first open beta weekend is such a fond memory. Bizarre to remember how much terror this inspired in every shooter for like 5 years. Remember the Advanced Warfare jump packs?

Insipid bullshit. 1 star for being a competent shooter if you can shut out the dipshits that wrote this game. "Yeah but what if you're Hitler." Soooo complex. Parody of itself.