Whats the matter, getting tired?!

Didn't click with me at all. Didn't want to give it a rating since i didn't play enough, but i wasn't a fan of the open hub thing it was doing, I honestly enjoyed the first one more. The art direction was really nice though

Started a genre, one of the best worlds i've ever experienced.

Solid open world adventure with pretty fun traversal and combat. Didn't hold me to the end credits but it was a good time for about 15 hours.

Wonderful survivor-like. Loved the art style, the sound design is really satisfying, the idea that you raise your damage dealers instead of doing it yourself is neat. One of the best survivor-likes you can play

Really loved this one, wasn't too long, has fantastic gunplay and interesting levels. Wonderful shooter.

Peak Batman. I'm due to replay this sometime soon. The open world aspects of it may not have aged as well as I remember, but i do remember really liking the story and most of the side stuff as well.

Maybe it makes me a normie casual fool or whatever but I like fortnite, at least now with the no build mode. Its a fun BR with plenty to do when your in a game, lots to work towards. Not a fan of how much microtransactions it has but at least when you buy something you see what you get, and its all cosmetic. Apex and Warzone are better, but Fortnite is still fun to hop into from time to time.

I fully intend to play Royal at some point, and to also go back and play P4, but I really cannot stand this games need to constantly repeat information to you. This game should be way shorter than it is but its story is so bloated with unnecessary filler, it took me out of it. Persona games tend to be ones I enjoy, until I dont. Then I simply never return to them. Luckily the style and gameplay are as good as they are.

It may not be as good as some of the other 3D marios, but i still enjoyed it. Camera could be better

Gameplay is okay, especially if your playing with friends and just screwing around. The story is so bad its one of the only game series I turn the dialogue volume down to 0.

Never finished it, but loved what i played of it. Really should get back to it someday

Played through it several times, still a great batman game with a mostly great batman story. I prefer city, but this game is still very good.

Loved the story and the slower paced gameplay, the world is very alive and feels great to explore.

Never understood the love for this game personally, but the soundtrack is undeniably amazing.