The night ended as it began, cold, ruthless, the only silver linings I would find were in the casings of the bullets I carved these concrete walls with.

Good time! I appreciate the Fallen Angels reference :)

My favorite commentary on the consequences of capitalism on human progress and innovation

Replayed this with the new update, definitely one of my favorite games ever


Giving it some time to sit and think about it but...this might be one of the best games I've ever played

I have too many thoughts on this game and why I love it so much to give a written review right now, I think I'd need to put it into a video once I get my computer fixed. But goddamn this game just hits every personal feeling I need it to while still being a fun bite sized kingdom hearts experience on the go.

Finished this on Lvl 1 Crit for all stories on the PS4 version.

So the command deck is very much a PSP ARPG combat system alright. I think the idea of it is cool, making certain decks for bosses and group encounters, whatever the situation calls for. But the balancing in this game is pretty terrible, it's like the designers didn't even playtest anything on critical mode (and from what I've heard the other difficulties aren't far off from that assumption). You just spend some time getting second chance, leaf bracer, once more, and renewal block, and then after that you're practically invincible for most of the game. But once you reach end game it's like they specifically designed the rights for those abilities and they're some of the most tedious and repetitive ARPG bosses I've ever played, it's nothing but cure spamming and usually just spamming surge attacks and mines. The only time this changes is in the secret episode where for the final boss you spam ignite instead! There's no room for actual mastery of the mechanics because the only thing that matters is your deck, you're better off just googling the recipes for the best commands and using those until they stop working, then repeating the process for each fight. At least the level design is actually pretty great, not KH1 levels of intricate and explorable but they're the closest I've seen since (haven't played all the handheld games yet or all of 3 so we'll see if any top it) but I really enjoyed using commands to get things early and skip little segments of the level. I honestly wish movement with commands was emphasized more in this game, it would've added more of a fun skill ceiling and rewarded creative uses of your deck, at least there's enough instances of this to make it worth noting. The story is..well it's kingdom hearts you're either here for it or not it's up to you, personally I very much am. it's got some genuinely great character conflicts between the trio, and I especially found Terra's story to be the most enjoyable in that regard (even if he's a tad dense). I'd rank the stories from favorite to least in terms of gameplay as
1. Ventus
2. Aqua
3. Terra
And for story as
1. Terra
2. Ventus
3. Aqua

Overall I think the game has its moment and all, and I understand the need to change the gameplay to fit a PSP. But it doesn't really excuse the blatantly shitty design that made the game such a chore a lot of the time, I literally had to take multiple week long breaks throughout because it just got tiring sometimes. Anyways I'm also finishing Re:CoM and replaying Days, so I'll log those and give my thoughts (Spoilers: Days is my favorite KH game)

The copy abilities definitely made this series wayyy better there's a reason they stuck around after the very next game. But even without them it's still a cute time, some of the best Gameboy sprite art and I love the OST along with the little level intros. Something to pop in from time to time :)

I was able to find a nice sound system at a goodwill for a total of $20, that by all reasonable means should've cost me over $100. I used this system in my last few sessions of playing Final Fantasy VII on my original PlayStation 1 console, on a Cathode Ray Television. This setup gave my ears the blessing of hearing the pure depths of the FM synthesizer score composed by Nobuo Uematsu for this game. The final boss alone gave me literal chills due to the pure sound quality I had yeah I'd say I liked the game it was pretty cool, the ending owned idk why some people don't like it lol

I didn't play Sonic 3 on this because I respect my ears (also widescreen is kinda pointless in these games if you ask me) but I got it for Amy and Knuckles in CD which was pretty dope. I like Amy's moveset even if it's kinda just the insta shield + dropdash (now with steering) the art book that comes with the physical release is cool as hell I'm glad I got that. It's a fine collection but Sonic Jam on Saturn and Mega Collection on GameCube are better for playing the original versions.

I'm pissed off that I didn't find all the special stage rings for blue spheres, I wanted to be Gay Sonic in the second half (the best half) but I couldn't find all those bastards

City escape is really difficult when you're stoned out of your mind remembering the first time you ever ate pizza at the six forks location of milton's as a child after eating one microwave pizza slice

Old RPGs are what idle games wish they could be.
They place context and an explorable map around a simple loop of: 1. Grind 2. Get weapon 3. Use weapon to grind more.
The exploration is incredibly intuitive, I only resorted to GameFAQs on two occasions: Once to verify I was right (I was), and secondly because I was stupid and forgot to note down a hint (which you should do). The design of this game is so tight that if the philosophical idea of game design could be wrapped around a watermelon, said melon would explode.
Play dragon quest, you will enjoy it, if you don't, you just haven't gotten to a stage in your life yet where you will enjoy it.

I originally wrote a joke review for this game where I just talked about sonic 06 instead, but that got taken down or something. So instead I'm just gonna say that this game has my favorite final boss ever; and that it matches NieR in it's sincerity and honesty about people, and the medium of games.

I don't feel like writing a huge review because I plan on making videos about this whole series one day anyways. So for now I'll just say that I really dig a lot about this game, there's a lot of characters and smaller stories/ideas (Caim & Angelus, Eris, Urick, and especially Legna) that shine a lot. It's just the whole game with all the endings doesn't come together how it really should. There are moments where you can tell this game was still written by Sawako Natori, and they're great. Ending A and B each have a lot to say about violence, and how we use it as a tool at the cost of others and/or ourselves, but holy fuck Ending C just drops that for one of the most contrived endings I've ever seen in a game. It's disappointing that the game ends like that...but after all, Ending A is the only one with a Novella anyways (which is phenomenal) I'd say definitely don't skip it as it's still a valuable part of the series with some of my favorite scenes and moments of the series contained within, even with it's flaws there's a lot to appreciate here.