517 Reviews liked by MozartDaniel

There is a novelty to the gimmick of grabbing enemies for double jumps or attacks, but it's ultimately quite a simple platformer with a rather uneven difficulty curve to its various challenges. The music is good and the character designs are cute.

Enjoyed this quite a bit! I honestly think it's up their with toy story 2 and bug's life with how fun of a disney platformer it is! Pretty underrated gem and if you're itching for a new platformer this one isn't a bad one to play!

I recently learned about the game "Only Up" and while it seemed like a cheap shovelware type game, it did actually look fun. So I looked it up on Switch and only found 2 games with a similar title. But the other game named "Only Up" looked even worse that what I remember it looking like. "Only WAY Up" looked more accurate

Lo and behold neither game was the real one, as the creator took it down some time ago. What we have here is shovelware of existing shovelware. They literally copied a cheaply made game and somehow made it worse. I ended up getting "Only Way Up."

To say this game feels unfinished is an understatement. This isn't even like... a game the dev took time to make. He didn't MAKE ANYTHING, it's just a bunch of premade assets with a non existent platforming system. Climbing on any ledge is utterly broken as half the time you will just slide off in the middle of the animation and fall.

Some of these jumps are absurdly unfair. The platform you're given is the smallest most pixel perfect object ever: your clunky, difficult to control jump has to be utterly perfect to land on the... stop sign? Barb wire? What even are these things?

The map at the bottom is massive, yet there is literally nothing there. They took an existing map of some kind that's huge but didn't actually include anything cool like a launcher or a shortcut to another platform.

I feel like I could make this exact same game in a week when I have absolutely zero knowledge of coding or how to make a game. Again, nothing was actually made here.

People weren't kidding, these bullet hell survival games are fun. The only build I found that was viable was a summons build, and the game lacked content to bring me back to try the other 2 maps. The art style is the real stand-out element.

Resident Evil 2 is an interesting game because I don't find it particularly scary, but I do think it's a pretty good game. The puzzles have more linear solutions, as they're placed in more isolated locations, and the tools used for solving them are simple associations. Gears with gears, use the valve with valve-shaped holes. Most of the time, I was accidentally solving puzzles before the game was properly introducing me to them, and there's so little complexity here, that you play guesswork most of the time. For example: If you hand me a puzzle that says to press 1 2 and 3 in a specific order, I always start with the most unconventional order, because it's not a puzzle if the answer is 123. It's 312 instead. Of course, if there's a number pad, I just look for the note and enter it. I liked the one puzzle where the game halts your progression unless you risk taking health (every time mind you) or use the shotgun to blast the room of zombies (the actual solution). It's very unconventional, since you don't associate puzzle-solving with shooting guns, and the game would've been more interesting if it incorporated more of that. The writing is bad, this is par for the course even though it's the 2nd game. There's some decent notes though, giving context to certain individuals who effected by the virus breakout. The highlight of this game for me is the level design and how they introduce the enemies. The Licker walking past the window, running through a hallway of crows. Balancing is pretty strict. You get a copious amount of Shotgun ammo as Leon, but you'll still be punished if you use it too regularly. Drop the pistol when you get your first round of Magnum ammo. If you pretend Mr. X is in this game, you might actually hesitate more than you should.
Sorry I'm not getting across how bad the writing is. Leon and Claire were upset that they were split up in the opening of the game. Why did they split up again after reuniting again-- whatever. I don't care. Good game.

"The desk is disorganized and untidy. It probably reflects the owner's personality."
This is the funniest flavor text I've ever read. "Hello I'm flavor text, and I am doing my job correctly, thank you for asking."

Non-stop thrills from start to finish, filled with a ton of real-time spectacle of incredible quality. I liked the earlier Spider-Man games, but this was much, much more enjoyable for me.

Many minute changes here and there in the encounter design to cut out the tedium, plus an array of new moves in movement and gameplay led to this feeling a lot better to play.

The cinematics in the main story go so all-out, and the performances and animation work are amazingly well done. Now one of my top favorite experiences on PS5 so far.

I never thought they could beat the original game, but my goodness they did it. Although there's a smaller cast this time, as well as a smaller campaign, it actually felt even better under the smaller playtime. The new moves and abilities added with the addition of Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky Kong really spice up the gameplay. Overall, it left me wishing more, even to the point of actually wanting a stand alone game of Donkey Kong and Rabbids. Imagine all the possibilities with more enemies and playable characters.

primer zelda que pase asi que mi voto puede ser mas por nostalgia pero como primer zelda me parecio genial, las mazmorras, los jefes , todo es perfecto

Wonderful game. Full of charm and laughter and heart and style. I never got around to playing the original, but this is easily one of my favorite games I’ve played on Switch. Someday I’ll go back and play the original to see how the two compare.

Anyways, despite being a bit tutorial heavy in the beginning, I had a surprising amount of fun with this game’s combat. The stats are kept very low for RPG standards, but it works. I found the badge system super fun and most of the time I leveled up my BP so I could do more. The combat for the most part wasn’t challenging at all, but I was having too much fun with the game that I didn’t mind.

I loved most of the characters and all of the worlds. Some of the best Nintendo games feel like the developers had a ton of fun making it and I really got that here. The train mystery level sticks out as something creative and totally fun to design. Oh and the humor had some innuendo I wasn’t expecting for a Nintendo title. But I’m not complaining.

Great game!

Absolutely incredible. It takes a lot for a game to hook me so thoroughly, make me think, make me feel, and never lose my attention, even when it is purposefully repetitive.



I think the most accurate thing I can say about the game is that it's just very nice in all respects, and a very impressive effort for a solo dev. It's got lots of fun platforming and puzzles, tons of fantastical creatures that are well-animated with neat little interactions, and very nice-looking ethereal environments.

Tremendo viaje por la mente de Alan Wake.

La presentación del juego es impecable, con un estilo mucho más cinematográfico que le sienta de maravilla y abraza cualquier extravagancia sin perder un ápice de seriedad. La combinación live-action con gráficos in-game no está para nada fuera de lugar.

Saga Anderson llega como personaje nuevo y está a la altura (sino por encima) del mismo Alan Wake. Sus partes jugables son más interesantes y divertidas, especialmente por su papel de investigadora y por estar fuera del Lugar Oscuro.

El sistema de combate es lo único que me llega a chirriar en ocasiones, sobre todo cuando hay muchos enemigos a la vez. La gestión de todas las herramientas, aún usando las ranuras rápidas, es algo engorrosa y no se adapta a la velocidad de los tiroteos. Las animaciones y los inputs no están del todo preparados para un ritmo tan frenético.

Alan Wake 2 es un juegazo, con una ambientación brutal y una historia que te atrapa y no te suelta hasta el final (e incluso más allá...).

The first musuo game I ever played and my introduction to “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”. There is a big roster of characters, personalized stories for the characters, unique move-sets for each character, lots of unlockables, a good soundtrack, and fun multiplayer. Held down only by horrible dubbing and the monotonous gameplay loop that all musuo games are known for. All in all, there is more good than bad if you are capable of putting the time into it

My first gameboy game and my first Pokémon game. Got them both for my birthday. It was a good birthday. I ate caramel for the first time that year. Good times. Based game

I played Half-Life some years ago but eventually dropped it. Since then, I've had this preconceived notion that Half-Life is lame and stupid for some reason. And maybe the original game is, but Black Mesa is great!

It's just a really solid shooter. The movement feels smooth and slippery and fast. All the weapons feel so powerful and impactful. Sprinting while shooting with perfect accuracy is really fun. The game doesn't always play music, but when it does, it's super freaking hype. I liked the overall pacing. Similar to RE4, everything takes place in one day back to back to back. Each chapter picks up right where the last one left off and you go on the entire journey that Gordon does with no breaks.

The game has some stupid bits, like cable puzzles that last way too long, areas where it's not too clear where to go, and some combat encounters where you just get pummeled with bullets and don't have a chance to fight back. Also the audio levels are just super fucked up. Can't hear anything anyone says over the music and SFX. Surprised the devs never added a Dialogue volume slider. The pacing got a bit slower in the second half, sometimes there would be not very much shooting, just puzzles.

But this is a fun game, I understand the hype now :D