The Switch version doesn't have online play but this game is a classic.

Very good beat-em-up right here

This game is really cool. A little-known classic.

Not having a Game Boy actually makes this kind of boring in the long run

This game was my introduction to EA's hideous microtransactions, and I will never forget that.

This game is what happens if Shigeru Miyamoto decides to do a little trolling. The level design in this game is not coherent.

This game is snappy and satisfying to play. They nailed the act of playing as the character, which is the most important part of playing any game. However, the difficulty ultimately brings it down.

This game was actually pretty dope. Even now, I would recommend giving it a try. It's a pretty easy beat-em-up of sorts, but it's got charm to it.

To be honest, it's not a very pleasant game. Even for the time, it left something to be desired. It was a boredom killer in a dire situation, but it simply didn't stand up to Mario Kart standards.

Subscribe to Hulu instead if you want high-quality Sonic X action on the go.

It was shovelware. Made for a really desperate way to spend time on my Nintendo DS.

Fantastic. The finest of Mario's 2D platformers.