The fact that they call it "The Delicious Last Course" and then add a playable women puts alot of innuendos into my head that will put me on a list if I say then aloud.

The fact that they got FLASHGITZ and TheAnimeMen to do a ad for this game and talk about how many damn waifus this game has should say alot. I mean it worked. But still.

People say its a smash clone. But can you have Jumbo Josh fight Regigigas on a giant Mcdonalds bench in smash? Didnt think so.

When I was a kid me and my grandma used to play games like this. Except after the second time she took a long nap in a garbage back that my dad threw in the back yard.

All this game is missing is a quest where you forget to pay your taxes and have to fight off a horde of undead tax collectors with a giant floppy dildo. THEN this game would be the true masterpiece it can truly be.

I personally dont like rain. So risking myself against Rain for a second time was a big step for me, until Loader and Artificer happened.

Never again...

I love beating up the Yakuza while becoming Cinderella for 24 hours.

The Cold War if Russia lost their temper.

This game secretly confirms that Yamcha is secretly the strongest character in DBZ. I mean where else can you see him mix the shit out of UI Goku? Thats right.

Its sad to think that this has secret lore implications to the fact that peppino caused 9/11. I mean he literally destroys a tower and kills many. The government is yet to speak on this.

This game made me feel like I was being raped by Griffith while all my friends watched at my graduation party the day before I go to New Jersey to open a hoagy shop.

First Game I ever 100%. So I blame this game for the divorce of my parents.

Saved my life. Garfield literally payed off my Mortgage and the money I used to owe to the mafia. Peak Game!!!